43) Suho and Taemin (EXO and SHINee) - What Friends Are For (Smut)

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"No." Suho chuckled silently and moved over on the bench, patting the spot next to him with his hand. Taemin walked over and plopped next to him, his entire body aching from all the dancing he had been doing.

"So, what's wrong?" Suho asked, shifting a little more so that he could get a better view of the younger male.

"I don't know." Taemin lowered his head and played with his fingers as he spoke, his voice coming out as more of a mumble. "I guess I'm just starting to doubt myself, you know."

"Why?" Suho said. "Is it because of something someone said to you or...?"

"No, not really," Taemin replied, sitting up.

"Are you homesick?"

"Maybe," Taemin said, nodding slowly but rapidly. "It's just...I knew this whole training and practicing thing would be hard, but I didn't know it would be this hard. I feel like a zombie or something."

"Well, Tae, that's normal for people in our position," Suho said.

"Yeah, but is it normal to feel like you aren't good enough anymore?" Taemin asked, finally making eye contact with his hyung. Suho took a moment to sigh and adjust himself a bit before speaking.

"I suppose so," he said. "I mean, I know I doubt my talent and worth a lot. Especially after seeing and hearing all the talented trainees, it can start to feel like you aren't talented enough to be here."

"What do you do?" Taemin questioned. "You know when you feel like that?"

"I'm not sure honestly," Suho said with a chaste chortle. "I think I just tell myself that I wouldn't still be here, putting myself through all this if I wasn't meant to be here. Like if I really wasn't supposed to achieve this dream, then I would already be gone and pursuing something else entirely." Taemin looked away, letting his eyes and head fall once again. "But Taemin," Suho continued, gently placing his hand on top of Taemin's and making him look up, "you should never doubt yourself or feel like you aren't talented. You are probably one of the most talented people here."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better," Taemin said, his cheeks blushing ever so faintly.

"No, I'm not." Suho chuckled. "I'm being serious."

"You really think so?" Taemin asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, I really think so," Suho replied. "Don't get me wrong, they are a lot of talented people here, but I'm willing to bet none of them work as hard as you do. I mean, do you see anyone else coming down here at midnight to dance?"

"Jongin does that sometimes," Taemin said.

"Well, besides him, do you see anyone doing that?" Suho said, batting his hand in the air a little. Taemin thought about that for a moment and realized that he and Jongin were one of the few trainees that spent long hours in the practice room. He shook his head mutely in response. "See? You've worked too damn hard to give up on yourself now, Taemin. You are so close to debuting, I can feel literally feel it." Taemin couldn't help but laugh at Suho's words of encouragement. "We'll all get our chance to shine, but you just have to be willing to wait and work for that chance."

"Are you sure you're in your twenties?" Taemin asked, getting a loud laugh from Suho. "Because you sound a lot like a grandpa right now."

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment," Suho said, making Taemin smile.

"Seriously though, thanks for the pep talk," Taemin said. "I guess I really did need one of those."

"Hey, it was no problem," Suho said, shrugging his shoulders as he spoke. "That's what friends are for." Taemin smiled and hugged Suho, catching the elder male off guard. However, despite the abruptness of the hug, Suho returned it and placed his arms around Taemin, using his hand to pat his back lightly. "You're perfect just the way you are, Tae and you should never let anyone else or yourself convince you otherwise," he said in a softer voice, his chin resting on top of Taemin's head.

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