Chapter 1 - The Flesh has Died

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Le meme for the day:

Le meme for the day:

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Also Note:

"Text" - Normal
+Text+ - Cant Mechanicus (basically the language of the Mechanicus)
'Text' - thoughts



Within the Forges of Mars, an Adept or Tech priest accompanied by a Servo-skull that the priest called 'Skeletor' walks through the dark, candle-lit hallways of the Forge for the Adept has been summoned by the Fabricator-General. The red robed priest in question was an Adept named Solaxar. Solaxar then reaches the room and knocks on the large door infront of him with his cold mechanical hand as a raspy mechanical voice within the room said 'come in'.

Once inside the room, he is meet with the gaze of a red-robed mixture of man and machine. This was Oud Oudia Raskian, the current Fabricator-General of Mars.

 This was Oud Oudia Raskian, the current Fabricator-General of Mars

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Oud: +ahh Solaxar you have finally arrived+

Solaxar: +greetings Fabricator-General, what is it do you wish to speak of with me?+

Oud: +it is because I have a mission for you, and a trip down memory lane+

Solaxar: 'memory lane? what is he talking about?' Solaxar thought to himself on what it could be but has put that aside for now +and what is this mission you speak of?+

Oud: +well during one of the surveillance reports on a newly discovered sector years ago, one of the scouts had reported that there was a probability that several STCs have been located in one of those planets+

Solaxar: +and what is this planet you speak of?+

Oud: +the same one where we found you+

And something clicked inside Solaxar's head and mentally sighed to himself as he realized what planet he was talking about.

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