They keep wondering and looking at me, and it makes me feel more and more uncomfortable.

Suddenly my saviour, Jake, walks up to the girls from behind and hugs his girlfriend. "Hello ladies. What are we looking at?"

"Harry." Katie answers.

The boy with freckles looks up from his girlfriend to me and whistles. "Hello handsome. If I were gay, or at least single, I'd probably blow you off."

I can feel how my face is turning red. "I just put Jasmine's bandana over my head... Nothing special. I don't know what you're so excited about."

"Yeah, I also don't get it but you look 5 times better." Jake chuckles.

There's a moment of silence.

"Girls, I understand that Harry is handsome, but could you give me a little more attention." My friend says.

Jennifer snaps her fingers. "He should grow his hair to shoulder length. And maybe build up his figure a little."

"Oh my God, yes!" Jasmine agrees with the girl on her right.

"Ladies, not to brag, but the boys and I might take our handsome guy to the gym someday." Jake says.

"Oh Harry, you will be unrecognizable before the new school year. And we will take care of it. We will give you a life transformation."

I only smile slightly at my friends.

Fortunately, the bell rings for class, so I head towards the math classroom. I couldn't stand another moment with them and their stares.

I see that Niall is sitting alone so I decide to sit next to him.

"Hi Niall." I smile at the blonde boy while I sit on the chair.

"Hi curly. Uuu, nice hairstyle." He says as he looks at me.


Our teacher gets up from his desk and opens his textbook. "Okay, since I'm not feeling very good today, open your books to page 110 and do tasks 1 to 4 because we did similar ones on the last lesson. When you finish, you'll have some free time untill the bell."

I immediately start the first task to finish it as quickly as possible.

When I am at the end of the task, I look at my colleague's notebook and all I see are crossed out numbers.

"Do you need help?" I ask.

"Um... Yeah..."

I take the blond's notebook to my side and start explaining to him.

"So here, once you have these elements, you need to get rid of them." I show him the number in the text. "Then you need to divide by this 4..." I do it, but slowly so he will understand from where it came from. "Now you add these two results... And you have the final result. Now all you need to do is draw a graph."

"Thanks... Oh, I almost forgot. Do you have any plans for the first weekend of winter break?" He asks.

"No, why?"

"I'm having a little party at my house. Would you like to come by?"

"Sure. And who will be there?"

"Louis, Liam, Zayn and some other people, you probably don't know them."

"Oh... Okay." I scratch my hand.

"I know you don't like them, but they're my friends, you know how it is. But I'll tell them to be nice. And maybe it would be better if you didn't invite anyone from your group, I know there are cool, but I don't want any fights."

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