Spaghetti for two

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🌸Jennys pov🪴

The warm water washed over my skin and relaxed my aching body. The smell of eucalyptus and whatever other plants were put in the restroom filled the air relaxing my aching mind.

This was possibly one of the most relaxing showers I've ever taken in my life. I mean the faint sound of 50s music creeping into the bathroom, the water pressure, the smell of nature, the lighting, the thought of Marcy being in here with me... oh no

A once relaxing shower has just been spoiled by my filthy filthy mind great. Now feeling like the world biggest perverts I quickly dry off and step out of the shower and into the guest room.

Laying out on the bed were the clothes that Marcy had given me which included a oversized band t-shirt, a pair of Black sweatpants that were way too big to be hers, a pair of white fuzzy socks and a pair of new looking house slippers , along side some body lotion, some Vaseline, and a hair brush

I put on the clothes and went back into the steamy bathroom to try and make my self look as presentable as I could with the stuff Marcy gave me

After I finished I made my way back into the kitchen in search of Marcy. The closer To the kitchen I got the louder the music became. "let's call the whole thing off" by Louis Armstrong and Elle Fitzgerald  played quite loudly as Marcy sang and danced along in a similar outfit to mine, a extremely large white t-shirt, faded black track pants with a strip running down their sides that where two sizes too big for her small frame and white fuzzy socks.

I stood by the entrance of the kitchen and watched her dance around a little bit while she cooked what seemed to be spaghetti and meatballs. My chest tightened at the thought of her dancing in a different kitchen with a different person. A husband. A man.

I decided not to punish myself any further so I walked into the room and greeted her " hey watcha making?" I asked knowing the answer.

I made my way to her side and leaning my back against the counter so I could face her.

"The easiest meal to make known to man" she said jokingly while she turned down the volume of the music.

I laughed "mhm not for me"
"You don't know how to cook spaghetti ?!?" She asked concerned
"I know how to make...toast"I said sort of embarrassed

"Bebe you don't MAKE toast, the toaster does!!" She said with a breathy laugh
A couple seconds of silence passed till she said quietly " Ouu I love this song" as she began to sing along softly

Bebe, she called me babe. I mean I know that girls call each other that all the time. Hell I call everybody Bebe, but even the implications of being with her in any capacity was enough to make me short circuit

Because of my inability to be normal all I could do was let out a small laugh and stare at her as she cooked the meatballs and sung whatever song was playing.

This was the most beautiful view I have ever witnessed. Most of the light in the room came in through the windows so around this time of the day when the sun had begun to set the room took on a warm dim color.

An orange hue that came both from the window and the warm kitchen light that illuminated her face perfectly, making her dark brown skin almost shine

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