Part 2

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The next morning.

Rick wakes up as the morning sun slowly filters through the curtains. He sits up slowly and sees (Y/N) lying next to him still asleep. He sits up and watches you. The sight of you laying like this is breathtaking for him, and he can't help but smile as he looks at you. His thoughts are fuzzy and hazy from all the activity from last night but his heart races as he looks at you laying next to him.

You groan and opens your eyes. "Rick?"

When he hears your voice he looks at you and chuckles softly. He nods his head and smiles softly.

"It's me baby."

"Shit." You lean up on the bed.

He chuckles and pulls you back down onto the bed next to him, his arms wrapping around you. He pulls you into a tight hug and smiles softly.

"Rick...what about Michonne?"

His smile fades a little bit and he looks up at you, his voice grows deeper.

"I mean we could just keep it a secret between us two. You know? Or you could just tell her, we could just tell her about us now and then it won't be a secret anymore."

"If we keep it a secret I should get out of your bed like right now, but if we tell her...what would her reaction be even?"

"I'm sure she won't mind. I mean she might have a problem with it at first, but if we're honest with her.. I reckon she'll be alright with it." he chuckles "Besides, she's probably gonna pick up on the fact that there's something going on between us eventually."

You sigh and nod. "Where is Michonne anyway?"

"I think she wanted to go out with Daryl today. They werent gonna be long I don't think though." He smiles and kisses you. "We've got a little bit of time to ourselves."

"I think we should put our clothes back on."

He raises an eyebrow and looks at you.

"Aw, is that really necessary though?"

"Yeah If Michonne and Daryl walk back in."

His smiles grows into a smirk and he shrugs.

"Maybe they won't come back..."

Your eyebrow raises and your eyes narrow. "Are you saying that they might die?"

"I didn't say that." He says as he runs his fingers down your arm. "I just said maybe they won't come back here...that's all."

"Jesus Rick that's what you were implying."

"I'm just sayin it's a possibility." His voice is quiet and he pulls you close to him again, pressing your body against his. "They're both out with guns, killing walkers, anything could happen."

"Do you want them to die?"

The question catches him off-guard. He looks back at you, his eyes meeting yours

"What the hell kinda question is that? No, of course not, I don't want them to die.."

"By the smirk and the tone you used when you said about how 'they might not come back' sure as hell seemed like it."

His eyes narrow a little bit at you. The corners of his mouth curl into a pout as he pulls away from you slightly.

"That's not how I meant it.."

You sigh. "Let's just get on our clothes." You get up and walk over to the clothes on the floor, puts them back on.

He watches you as you get back up and he rolls his eyes as he picks up his own clothes from the floor. The night before with you has been the highlight of his life, and now the high of this moment was fading and it was back to reality. He pulls his clothes on and he looks at you as you finish getting dressed.

TonightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora