"It's just that I walked into the bathroom yesterday and he was there but he was acting really strange" he said.

"Like how" clay said.
"I walked in and he hid something behind his back and got all awkward and left, but that might not be the case I didn't really see he might've just got startled" sap explained.

Clay just shrugged adding to his painting. "Anyone wanna come over after school" I said randomly. "Sure, yeah" they all said.

We continued to work with a basic conversation before the bell rang. We stood up going to our next class, maths.. great.

"No quackity today" our teacher asked. "Nope" I replied sitting down I could've sworn he said 'pity' under his breath, this teacher always picked on quackity for stupid reasons and sometimes for no reason at all.

Class went on and it was boring as usual. We did our last few classes and eventually went home.

I drove george and I to the cafe where we worked going to the back putting our aprons on as well as our name pins.

I walked out to the counter seeing the place was already full.

"Hello welcome to Yukas cafe what can I get for you" I seemed to have to say over and over and over again as George made drinks at lightning speed.

I didn't usually take the front but I was feeling a lot less anxious today then I usually do so I thought id do it today.

The place calmed a lot after an hour and me and George were just chilling serving the occasional customer.

We were just talking to each other when a man in all black came in.
"Hello welcome to Yukas what can I get for you" I asked.

"Beer" He grunted.  "We don't do that here could I get you something else or there's a bar down the road that does them" I said trying to stay calm but I already had a bad feeling.

"What kind of restaurant are you!" He shouted at me. I felt my eyes water and I tried to say something but it came out all stuttered, I can't breathe, oh my gosh, not now.

George immediately stepped in. "We don't do them here beat it" he said confidently.

The guy walked out of the shop slamming the door behind them.

"Hey Karl it's ok" George said as I tried collecting my breaths. George let me fiddle with his hands as I let a few tears fall.

"George- help-" I muttered struggling to get air into my lungs.

"In through your nose out through your mouth" he said as I calmed down. "He's just a big meanie ok don't let him make you cry" George comforted.

"Sh sh calm down you're alright" he cooed in my ear as I took deep breaths.

I felt a hand tap my shoulder I looked down to see a small child no older then 5.

"Are you ok" they said with a cute high pitched voice. They looked genuinely concerned and I couldn't help but feel slightly better.

"Yes I'm ok just a bit upset what can I get for you" I asked.

"One hot chocolate please" they said holding out a fiver.

"Why are you upset" they asked as I made the drink. "Just a mean man" I replied,

"Why would he be mean to you, you're so pretty" they said. "Thank you" I said.

"Some people are just mean sometimes I guess" I said to her. She smiled and I smiled back.

"But you get hugs from him and feel all better right" she asked. I nodded looking at George who smiled.

I handed her her drink. "Be careful it's hot" I said as she skipped back to her parents.

I hugged George tightly.george smiled at me again.

"Do you want to go rest in the staff room for a bit I'll manage out here" he offered. "No I'm ok" I said.

"Ok, you're very brave Karl" he said. "Thanks" I said smiling at him.

I sat up on the counter for a bit enjoying the peace and quiet. George reached into my pocket pulling out a purple ball that i always kept in my pocket it always helped him calm down after stressful situations. George had given it to him when they were about 8 or 9 years old they had named it blob as it used to have eyes and a smile but it had eventually warn off.

George smiled at him. "I can get you a new one of those if you'd like" George giggled. I shook my head smiling at him.

"No it's good memories" I replied watching as he smirked cleaning a glass with a cloth.

Sapnap and clay came in a few seconds after.

"Still no quackity?" George asked, clay shook his head. "We asked what was up and he said he was too sick to get out of bed" clay explained,

"Oh no" I said solemnly. "When do you get off again" sapnap asked.
"In like ten minutes" I said looking at my watch.

"Oo in that case could I get a cappuccino please" sapnap said leaning against the counter making his hip pop out slights, putting on a slightly feminine voice trying to sound sexy but it didn't work.

"You're such an idiot" I said making him his drink anyways.

"And for you good sir" i said playing along.

"Oh same" clays said not really getting the memo which made us laugh. George handed him his drink, I noticed how he purposely touched clays arm, I gave him a small wink while I handed sapnap his.

After another five minutes me and George took off our aprons leaving them in the staff room before we all got into my car.

I drove to my house which was only about five minutes from the cafe. I lived in a two story cottage like house.

It had a sweet garden in the front with a path going through it. There were also large vines that grew down my house.

There were flowers growing all over my garden and in pot beside the windows and door. My mom and i loved gardening together.

We walked down the path to the front door.

My house was small ish on the inside and was covered in art work from me and my dad mostly, frames covering the wall of different projects and works.

"Hey baby how was work" my mom called to me

"It was good how are you" I replied. "I'm good, so tired from being up early" she said yawning.

"Alright we won't be too loud then" I said as we went upstairs.

My bedroom was painted a dark grey,greeny,blue so it was fairly dark but what made up for that fact was the amount of different canvases that I hand painted.

I was proud of my room it took a while to get just right. My dog Nala was in the corner. "Hey sweety" I cooed to it rubbing her ears. Nala always with me even on bad days when no one else is there to help me Nala just sits with me. She always seems to know what's going on

She looked tired and curled up into the bed beside mine.

Sapnap flopped on my bed as did George.

"Ow George not on top of me you queer" sapnap said as George had fallen on top of him.

"Says you" clay says also jumping on top of him.

I laughed at there immaturity watching as they rolled around fighting each other.

We hung out for a while watching movies, playing video games, eating snacks you know just having fun.

It was time to go and they were all getting ready to leave. "Clay make sure George gets home safe" I said quietly to him.

He smirked for a second. "Don't worry hell be ok" clay said taking George's hand. I saw George's face flush at the action.

I hope they get together I really do George has been looking after me for all these years and I hope clay repays the favour for me if I can't myself.


Helloooo hruuu

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