Quick Little Info

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So, real quick. Rose's powers are of course Ice wielding, the Singing, which is kind of based on A Capella's voice power in We Can be Hero's Too, but She also has Wanda Maximoff's power of Chaos Magic. So Here his everything. 

( Anything that Says Wanda means Rose will have it)

Nature Manipulation: Wanda has shown to be capable to manipulate and command nature at her will. She also has an affinity with nature due to her witch training.

- Flight: Wanda can fly using her powers to certain destinations or fight opponents in the air.

- Telekinesis: Wanda has telekinesis, allowing an individual to influence a physical system without physical interaction. Experiments to prove the existence of telekinesis have historically been criticized for lack of proper controls and repeatability.

- Astral Projection: She is able to project her spirit or astral form out of her physical body in order to travel into the spirit world or the astral plane.

- Chaos Manipulation:  Maximoff has the ability to control chaos and manipulate chaotic forces (and concepts).

- Necromancy: Necromancy is the practice of magic involving communication with the dead by summoning their spirits as apparitions or visions for the purpose of divination; imparting the means to foretell future events and discover hidden knowledge.

- Protection Spell:  Wanda can cast the spell of protection so that she and her teammates can be protected against certain danger.

- Binding: Wanda has the power to bind and stop someone from moving with her magic. ( I honestly don't know what this means.)

- Clairvoyance:  Wanda Maximoff has the ability to receive information about a person or an object even though she has never directly seen them before.

- Energy Constructs: As an experienced magic user, Scarlet Witch has performed the ability to turn her magical energy into tools, objects, weapons, and others. 

-Magical Awareness: Scarlet Witch has displayed the ability to be aware of almost anything that affects her and her surroundings.

Reality Warping: Wanda can create different hexes and exist in her own world. She can alter objects and control what happens in her hexes.

- Telepathy: Wanda has the power to read the minds of other sentient beings. Mental Manipulation: Wanda has the power to deploy a form of mental inertness through her mind.

- Transmutation: Maximoff can manipulate any object or even a living thing to change it into anything else. Such as her clothes and hair in an instant.

- Energy Blasts: Wanda can release and project powerful energy blasts of various shapes and/or intensities, such as bolts, beams, bursts and waves, that can physically hurt someone.

- Energy Manipulation: Her manipulation of psionic energy also serves to aid Wanda with her other psionic powers such as telekinesis and telepathy.

-Gravity Manipulation: In a rare occasion, the Scarlet Witch has proven to be able to alter and control gravity. She has diminished the effect of gravity itself.

-Healing: Wanda has the power to heal and purify a being or an area via spells.

-Automatic Defense: Wanda has the ability to defend herself automatically, meaning her powers can defend her against attacks without her conscious will. 

-Invisibility: Maximoff possesses the ability to make objects or people unseen, casting an invisibility spell on herself.

Tracking: Can find, probe, and track the location of anyone she desires at the moment over any distance or conditions.

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