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"Absolutely not!" one general shouts loud enough that I can hear her all the way from the little medical station that's been set up at the end of the bleachers for riders. I flinch. My cut isn't that bad, only a slight cut. Unlucky for me, Jack is getting his shoulder examined about a dozen feet away. He strutted over from the back of an Orange Scorpiontail to record his bond with the roll-keeper, who'd kept doing her job regardless of the generals arguing on the dais behind her. Professor Kaori comes over. "Do you know who made it out of my squad?" I ask, fear knotting my throat. Please let Violet be alive. And Trina. And Ridoc. And Sawyer. All of them.

"I haven't seen Trina or Tynan," Professor Kaori answers slowly. " Tynan won't be coming." I shrug, feeling slightly better. " ROSIE!" Violet bolts in, and attacks me with a hug. " Violet." I breathe. " I saw your dragon, and HOLY SHIT!" She squeals. I grin. " What about you?" I ask excitedly. " I have a Red Daggertail, Her name is Sang." Violet grins. " Ooo." I grin. "What the hell do you mean you think it needs surgery?" Jack bellows from my left. "I mean, it looks like the weapon severed a couple of ligaments, but we'll have to get you to the healers to be sure," the other instructor says, his voice infinitely patient as he secures Jack's sling.  I grin and shamelessly wave mockingly to him. " You did that?" Professor Kaori asks. I nod. " Hell yeah." Jack charges for me, but Professor Kaori puts a hand out. "Hiding behind our instructors now, Sorrengail?" Jack's uninjured fist curls. I glare. " We hall know who hid when It came down to a real fight." I challenge. "She doesn't need to hide behind me when she's bonded to the most powerful dragon of your year," Professor Kaori warns Jack, whose eyes narrow on me. "Your orange is a good choice, Barlowe. Baide, right? He's had four other riders before you." Jack nods. Professor Kaori looks back over his shoulder at the line of dragons. "As aggressive as Baide might be, from the way Glacies looking at you, he'll have no problem scorching your bones into the earth if you take another step toward his rider." I mockingly frown. 

He shakes his head, and the look in his eyes transforms from shock, to envy, to fear as he pivots toward the professor. "I don't know what she told you about what happened out there—" "Nothing." The instructor folds his arms across his chest. "Is there something I need to know?" Jack pales, going white as a sheet in the mage light as another injured first-year hobbles over, blood streaming from his thigh and torso. "Everyone who needs to know already knows." I lock eyes with Jack. "Guess we're done for the night," Kaori says as a line of dragons flies in, only visible by their silhouettes in the darkness. "The senior riders are back. You two should return to your dragons." Jack huffs and marches off across the field. I glance at the generals still gathered in heated discussion on the dais. "Professor Kaori, has anyone ever bonded two dragons?" If anyone knows, it's the professor of Dragonkind. He turns with me to face the arguing leadership. "You would be the first. Not sure why they're fighting about it, though. The decision won't be up to them." "It won't?" Wind gusts as dozens of dragons land on the opposite side of the first-years, rows of mage lights hanging between them. "Nothing about who dragons choose is up to humans," Kaori assures me. "We only like to maintain the illusion that we're in control. Something tells me they've just been waiting for the others to make it back before they meet."

"The leadership?" My brow furrows. Kaori shakes his head. "The dragons."

The dragons are going to meet? "Thank you for tending to my cut. I'd better get back over there." I offer him a tentative smile and head across the dimly lit field to Glacies and Khione. " They're not going to let this happen." I sigh, growing a headache. "It's up to the Empyrean to decide," Glacies orders.  "Don't leave the field. This might take a while." I just nod, sitting down on the grass. Khione sits beside me. " You're not going?"  I frown. Khione shakes her head. " No, I'm to little."  I sigh, and Khione snuggles onto my lap. I laugh, gently petting her scales. " Stay close to the wingleader until I return."  Glacies orders. I groan, getting up. " Look who got the baddest motherfuckers!" Ridoc picked me up, and I squealed. " Ridoc, put her down!" Lana ordered, and Sawyer set me down. Khione bares her teeth at Sawyer. " Ridoc, this is Khione." I introduce. Tell him I'll bite his leg. Khione orders. " Khione say's she'll bite you." I snort. " Did you all bond?" I asked worriedly. "Aotrom," Ridoc says with pride. "Brown Swordtail." "Sliseag!" Sawyer throws his arms around me and Ridoc's shoulders. "Red Swordtail!" We all cheer, and I'm swept into his hug next. Out of all of us, I'm happiest for him, for all he's had to endure to get here. " ROSE!" I look to see Imogen running to me. She tackes me to the ground, and hugs me tight. " You fucking bonded to TWO dragons! You're fucking badass!" Imogen whoops. I laugh, and we get up. " Trina?" I ask, and everyone grows silent. Sawyer shakes his head, sorrow slackening his shoulders. "I saw her fall from the back of an Orange Clubtail." My heart sinks. " What about Tynan?" Ridoc asks. I shake my head. " I killed him." I said shamelessly. They looked at me. " Self defense." I surrendered. I'm wrapped in another pair of arms as Dain hugs me. " Holy shit Rose, I knew you could do it." He sighed, dropping his head on mine. "I'm fine," I assure him, but that doesn't quell the worry in his eyes. I'm not sure anything ever will. "But we're all that's left of our squad's first-years." Dain's gaze rises to look at the others, and he nods. "Four out of nine. That's"—his jaw ticks once—"to be expected. The dragons are currently holding a meeting of the Empyrean—their leadership. Stay here until they return," he says to the others before looking down at me. 

My mother approach's us, and Khione stiffens. " Mother." I say coldly. " Where is Violet?" Is all she asks. " In the infirmary." I say with no emotion. " Violet deserves those dragons more than you." Is all she says before she stalks off. I deflate, my shoulders sagging as Dain runs after. Khione snuggles herself into me, giving me some comfort. I reach out for Glacies, but he doesn't respond. I'm cut off.

 " Don't listen to her, they chose you for a reason, Flower." 

The White Rose- Xaden RiorsonWhere stories live. Discover now