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"What was the condition of the village?" Riorson's voice echoes, making me shiver. Riorson?" Markham asks, shielding his eyes from the mage lights as he looks toward the top of the hall. "The village," Xaden restates. "Professor Devera said the damage would have been worse, but what was the actual condition? Was it burned? Destroyed? They wouldn't demolish it if they were trying to establish a foothold, so the condition of the village matters when trying to determine a motive for the attack." Professor Devera smiles in approval. "The buildings they'd already gone through were burned, and the rest were being looted when the wing arrived." "They were looking for something," Xaden says with complete conviction. "And it wasn't riches. That's not a gem mining district. Which begs the question, what do we have that they want so badly?" "Exactly. That's the question." Professor Devera glances around the room. "And that right there is why Riorson is a wingleader. You need more than strength and courage to be a good rider."

"So what's the answer?" a first-year to the left asks. "We don't know," Professor Devera answers with a shrug. "It's just another piece in the puzzle of why our constant bids for peace are rejected by the kingdom of Poromiel. What were they looking for? Why that village? Were they responsible for the collapse of the ward, or was it already faltering? Tomorrow, next week, next month, there will be another attack, and maybe we'll get another clue. Go to history if you're looking for answers. Those wars have already been dissected and examined. Battle Brief is for fluid situations. In this class, we want you to learn which questions to ask so all of you have a chance at coming home alive." 

I turn cold. 

Sparring. Me, Lana, and Sawyer are standing around the rings, waiting to be called. "Stop circling each other like you're dance partners and attack!" Professor Emetterio orders from across the mat, where Dain watches Aurelie and Ridoc's match with our squad executive leader, Cianna. I can see Violet staring at him, probably wishing he had his shirt off. " You worried?" Lana asked curiously. I shook my head. " Mira's been training me all my life, and my brother taught me before he died." I explained. She nodded. " Why, are you?" I questioned. Lana looked down. " Don't worry, just use your gymnastics." I reasoned. " You'll be fine, Lana." Sawyer assured her, and she blushed. I whistled, and both Sawyer and Lana turned to give me a glare. A scream goes up from the other side of the gym, and I turn in time to see Barlowe snap the neck of a smaller, skinner first year. " Holy fuck." I whisper in disbelief. "What did I say?" their instructor shouts as he charges onto the mat. "You broke his damned neck!" "How was I supposed to know his neck was that weak?" Jack argues.

I shiver. Maybe I shouldn't have made an enemy of him. " You." Professor Emmetiero points to a pink haired girl. " And you-" He points to me. " You got this." Lana whispers confidently. " Put twizzlers on my grave." Is all I say before I step onto the mat. " I've heard you got backbone." She grins. " Come and find out." I smirk. She lunges forward, aiming for my stomach. I step to the side, throwing a swift kick to her rib, making her groan in pain. She growls, and her foot goes up to my head. I duck down, getting low and sweeping her leg. She falls, but does a kick up, and kicks me in the stomach. I groan at the pain. " I'm on my period, you motherfucker-" She punches once, twice, three times, and all times I manage to block. In a wild blur, she's on my other side. " You can't use your powers here, Imogen!" Dain shouts. " Playing dirty?" I grumble, She goes for a sweep, but I jump to the side and stomp on her hand, hearing the sweet crack fill the air. " You fucker." She glares at me, getting up. " Boo. Hoo." I spit at her feet. She lands a blow to my mouth, and I taste the metallic liquid in my mouth. I spit at her feet, done playing now. I do a turning hook kick to her head, and she falls to the ground, out cold. Everyone looks shocked that I just took out Imogen, the second year. " I bet you cheated!" Someone called out. " I don't even like you!" Another called. " Don't like me?" I called out, and everyone grew quiet. " Take a seat with the rest of the bitches waiting for me to give fuck." I called out, flipping everyone off. I walked to the exit, and Lana joined me, slinging an arm around my shoulder. We fist bumped, and I laughed.

The White Rose- Xaden RiorsonWhere stories live. Discover now