I nodded, "Yea," 

Everyone went their separate ways and I headed off to make sure the fortress was safe, I changed into a large wolf and prowled the halls. Along the way I met Bella and Rodolphus in the halls. Bella let out a cheery greeting and Rodolphus waved simply. I wandered aimlessly and made sure the front traps were in place, I made it to the roof and perched on the ledge. 

I changed into a human-cougar hybrid and stared out into the raging ocean that surrounded the House. Salty spray made its way up every now and then, I was soaked in a few minutes. I always loved the rain, it was refreshing every time. I could sit in the rain for hours. 

Onyx poked his head out and hissed at the rain, I spread a leathery wing over the small Kitsune. In a few days he would get his final tail and become fully grown, he would be the same size as a large dog by then. There would be no more head rides for the little one then, but I'm sure he would try. 

"Hades?" He questioned. "Why are you sitting in the rain, alone?

"I love the rain remember," I reminded the black furred kitsune. "I would do this back at the Dursley's too." He hummed softly in memory. 

'Hades?' Storm called out mentally. 

I responded right away, 'I'm here Storm, what's happening?' 

'There coming, in two days time.' He sounded distressed. 

'Who's coming, Storm?' I questioned my stressed twin. 

He sounded out of breath, like he was running or fighting. 'Our fathers, they have all the preparations for the ritual, I have all the Predators with me now,' 

'All of them?' I asked confused, there was a literally small army of them. 

'All of them, and were on our way to you. Almost there actually. We have all the Death Eater kids who are with us as well, are we good to land on the roof in like fifteen minutes?' He asked, breathlessly. 

'Yes, I can have everything ready for you guys by then, land on the roof and call me when you do,' I called out, already on my feet and running. 

"Hades!" Onyx yipped, surprised by the sudden movement. 

I ran back to him, my body shifting into something faster, "Hop back into the back, I have to run like the wind!" He obliged hesitantly, and I was off back to the door. 

Mentally I called out to the Horrors of the Prison, 'We have a group coming in to the roof, don't attack them unless I say to!' Chorus of understanding echoed around my head as I ran off to find the group from earlier. 

I reached the main room in a half winged cheetah form, a gust followed me as I basically crashed into the room, Cyran and the twins were the only ones in there and let out multiple noises of surprise. 

"Hades!" George yelled. 

Cyran looked at me in question, "What is going on?" 

"Strom and the Predators are on their way and are being chased by Death Eaters," I called quickly, "Where are the others? I need everyone up there for when they attack!" 

"Down the hall eating," Fred called out. 

"Were going up!" The twins called out at the same time. 

I was already off and they were going in the opposite direction then me. I was halfway down the hall already, ten minutes. 

"Sirius! Remus! Tonk!" I yelled as I was entering the room, "Head to the roof, the others will explain!" 

They exchanged confused looks, but headed out. I was off again. seven minutes. I had made it to the infurury on the main level and checked over the potions and material we have. we had quite a bit of healing draughts and other things. 

I was off back to the roof, five minutes. I almost crashed into ten Horrors and six walls on the way. The Horrors were taking up battle stances around the House, all on edge and ready to fight. 

Two minutes, I reached the roof. I sat on the ground once I reached the roof and caught my breath, I glanced up to see everyone around and a few Horrors. I passed my bag with Onyx and Aka on to Sirius, who I knew would protect them. I looked to the sky and saw a group of creatures flying through the sky, heading right this way. 

They were flying as fast as I was just running, behind them was another group, this one made up of Death Eaters flying in dark clouds. 

'Attack the second group if they try and land on the House,' I commanded out in a mental growl to the Horrors. 

I could make out a few larger creatures carrying the smaller ones, about four of them were human. Storm took up the back, in one of our favored forms, the Soraking.  Any spells shot in his direction bounced off effortlessly and his wing span was large enough that he protected the others. 

The first few predator landed on the roof in a flurry of wings and appendages, some were quite young, and some were nearly out of school. The older ones took up defensive positions around the House with the Horrors, the younger ones were brought back. Thyme and Brink were some of the last to come in with their group of Predators. Who all promptly took up positions near me. 

The larger creatures got ready, the moment Storm landed, everyone bristled in anticipation. The Dementors below could sense the Aura of another Royal, but stayed inside the caves below the House. 

I was already in the form of a Hungarian Horntail, on edge for the oncoming attack. The black shadows of the Death Eater paused a distance away from the House, their shadows melting away to reveal their masked faces. 

One came forwards, and the undeniable voice of Lucius Malfoy came from the Death Eater, "Hades and Storm your fathers have demanded that you return, along with the other Predators." His voice rang out, entitled and irritated. 

I snarled back to him in a deep draconic voice, "You can tell our fathers," 

"They can shove it up their ass's," Storm snarled, more demonic and canine. 

We snarled the last part together, "If they think we are coming back!" 

Thats the new chapter. Tell me your fav color, if you want. 

Peace Out! ;) 

- Azri

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