Creature In You

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The twin smirked up at the Royal, "So you hate," George started. 

"Most of our dear," Fred interjected. 

"Family as well," George followed up. 

"Dear Cyran," They both finished happily. 

I curt nod came from Arthur, "The only ones I care for are Bill and Charlie, who I need to go get and bring with me. And for the Weasley family," He spat. "It's dead now," He gestures to the silently burning building. 

I interrupted the three before they talked till the Aurors came, "As much as I would love to meet some Aurors today, I would like to make sure the House of Horrors is ok in my absence." I let out a low whistle into the forest. Upon the summons Sirius, Remus and Tonks appeared from the shadows. "Lets go," 

I grabbed both twins shoulders and we were off to the former Prison, the rather unpleasant feeling of appearance assaulted my senses, throwing it them into disarray. The worst this time was the ears.

A high pitched ringing echoed around me, I crouched down and covered my ears, my eyes instantly squeasing shut. 

'Calm down Hades,' A new voice echoed through my head, not Storm, but someone else. 'Breathe,' I followed the voice's advice. Slowly the ringing went away and the pain went with it. 

With a clearer mind I called back to the voice, 'Who are you?' I asked. 

'The real question you should be asking is who are we,' The voice paused. 'You figure it out, and I'll be waiting to see.' With that the voice receded into my mind. 

"Hades!" Sirius yelled out, desperately. I now noticed his hand on my shoulder and the other voices trying to get my attention. 

I opened my eyes to see Sirius and Remus hovering over me and the rest gathered around. "I'm ok, the apparition distress my senses and makes them go crazy," I explained to the group, who backed off and let me stand. 

"Are you sure your ok?" Tonks questions, as Remus hands me a chocolate. 

I accepted the chocolate with a small thanks and smile, "I'm ok. There is no reason to worry." I insisted

"His magic has settled now and his creature talked to him," Cyran stated, the room's atmosphere changed drastically. 

I tilted my head to the side, "That's who that was?" I said more than asked. Cyran nodded. 

Remus explained, "Your creature is a huge part of any being, and despite that, most don't ever get to talk to their creatures. It is purely up to the creature to decide and you have to have a very strong magical core. I believe it is easier for Royal Beasts, but it is difficult for most. But to talk to your so young is unheard of." He concluded. 

"When your creature trust you," Cyran continued. "They will talk to you often and one of the first things they do is tell you their name, after that they give you a dream vision of them, and from there they create a mental space where only the two of you can enter. No matter how weak your mental shields are," Cyran thought for a moment before continuing, his tail swishing back and forth gently. "The exception to this might be Storm, depending on if he connects to his creature as well." 

The occupants of the room stared at me expectantly, filled with curiously. 

"Well?" Fred questions. 

"Well what?" I shot back at him.

"Did your creature tell you their name?" George elaborated as the others looked at me expectantly. 

I sighed, "No they didn't, they did calm me down and help me clear the awful ringing in my ears." 

Sirius rested his hand on my shoulder, "I'm sure they will talk to you soon, pup," He smiled. 

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