BestFriend OF A NERD

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[ We waited at the lobby. Till the dog comes i finished the document works. ]
* 10 minutes later *
[ Jake brought the dog. They dog wagging it tail was soo cute. Taehyung couldn't control himself.  He rushed towards it and got it from jake. ]
Jake  - thank you for adopting
Y/n  - my pleasure
Jake - if you want clothes or leash for the dog is upstairs.
Y/n  - yeah sure
Taehyung- no prob you did many things for me. I dont know how to thank-.
Y/n  - Remember we are FRIENDS!. Come let's go.

[ I didn't see back, I just went upstairs. I was sure he was coming back of me. I reached while he came slowly.]

Y/n  - dude come fast!

[ I went to see the leash and dog stuffs. All leashes were soo cute. ]

[ Toys,food more stuffs were there. I completely forgot taehyung. I rushed all over the place. I thought he left but he was simply sitting on a sofa and was checking the dog. Where the dog got surgery etc. ]

Y/n  - come taehyung
Taehyung- where?
Y/n  - to buy stuffs
Taehyung-  he doesn't want !
Y/n  - just come!
Taehyung-  buy whatever you want
Y/n  - ok!

* 15 minutes later*

Taehyung POV

[ I was playing with yeontan. When I noticed her carrying two big bags.]

Taehyung- what is this?
Y/n  - stuffs for dog
Taehyung- this much?
Y/n  - yeah toys,leash,food,bed many more.
Taehyung- this is tooo much for him.
Y/n  - But he would love these. Ok come let's not waste time here. I am hungry. Let's go to home.

[ I had no more words. I just nodded. She walked away. I followed her. ]

Y/n- can you hold one of these bags?
Taehyung-  yeah sure ( low voice )
Y/n  - why are talking in low voice?.
Taehyung- I have no words

[ She shot me a 🤨 look. She sat on the bike. Holded a bag in front of her and gave me one. I settled it on my lap. One side yeontan another side yeontan's stuff. Yeontan's stuff is bigger than yeontan. ]

Y/n  - shall we start?
Taehyung- yeahhh

[ we left the centre. ]
* 45 minutes later *
[ she parked the bike in front of a big mansion.]
Y/n  - come in!

[ my legs became numb all of the sudden. ]
Y/n  - what happened?
Taehyung-  I have never entered a big mansion in my life.

[ she smiled a little ,came near me,held my hand anddd took me in. It was so huge,grand,nicely decorated. ]

Y/n  - come I will show your room
Taehyung-  m-m-my room
Y/n  - y-y-yes your room

[ she had a mocking smile. ]

Y/n  - btw I cannot call you taehyung always it's too lengthy.
I will call you tae.
Taehyung- - tae. Nice name.
Y/n- and also what's the dogs name?
Taehyung-  yeontan
Y/n- yeontan! Come here let me feed you!
Taehyung- no problem I will take care of him.
Y/n  - dude take a chill pill. I am not going to eat your dog.

[ she took yeontan from me. Yeontan was Silent. He didn't bark at her. I think he got used to her. I went into the room which y/n said as my room. It had a balcony with beach view. It was a nice view with a gentle breeze. I was enjoying while arranging my things. I dont have that much clothes and stuffs. But here there was three cupboards. What would I do with these?. I turned back to experience y/n standing at the door. ]

Y/n  - is this room ok for you?
Taehyung-  it's awesome! Where is he?
Y/n  - playing with his toys
Taehyung- I wanted a mother for yeontan like you !

[ she just smiled and left. I was hungry but didn'tknow how to open up. She ran and came up.]

Y/n  - I forgot !
Taehyung-  what ?
Y/n  - come for dinner !
Taehyung-  Will arrange my things properly and will come down

[ she nodded and left. I lied. I arranged my things but still I didn't want to go right away. I waited for 2 minutes. Then went down. She was speaking with somebody. ]

× On phone ×
Y/n- yeah yeahhh.  I would. I would. Okkkk. Fine. Just him. He is a good boy mom. Dont worry .

[ I got it she is speaking with her mother abt me. I came slowly. But still got noticed by her. ]

Y/n  - come down!. My mom wants to speak with you!.

[ my heartbeat started to race. I went down, she gave me the phone, I kept it on my ear and said hello.]

×On call×

Taehyung-  hello!
Y/m - hello. Is this the boy she is explaining me this much time.
Taehyung-  yeah aunty same boy.
Y/m - call me Eomma!
Taehyung-  ok eomma
Y/m - and be careful with her she is a crazy girl and a elephant, she eats like anything
Taehyung-  ( giggles )
Y/m - ok take care from her.
Taehyung-  sure eomma
Y/m - bye
Taehyung- bye eomma

[ I kept the phone. To experience her eating a big bowl of ramen. ]

Taehyung-  what the
Y/n- what ?
Taehyung-  nothing
Y/n  - my mom would have said many thing about me!
Taehyung-  many things!!
Y/n  - i know i know!. Here !

[ she handed me a bowl. Big bowl. ]

Taehyung-  I wont eat this much !
Y/n  - no prob eat!

[ she was eating like a baby. Cute and chubby. While concentrated on the TV. ]

Taehyung-  where is he?
Y/n  - dont worry he is asleep
Taehyung-  he usually doesn't sleeps at this time!
Y/n  - but today is different!

[ she suddenly off the TV. Turned to me. ]

Y/n  - I have a question
Tae- what question?
Tae - do you even remember we are partners?
Y/n  - yeah right ! I don't know a thing!
Taehyung- what did you learn these days?

Y/n  - what learned these days are how to not love someone deeply!

Y/n  - what learned these days are how to not love someone deeply!

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