11 0 0

Y/n - Why ?
Tae - Mostly rich ones don't even speak with me. They think I am a nerd and treat me as beggar.
Y/n - Well I am not like others!
Tae - That's what I mean you are different!.
Y/n - Yes I am!. Now come to the point. Why did you call me ?.
Tae - I...I....
Y/n - Fast dude!.
Y/n - And this is what you wanted to ask ?.
Tae - yes!.
Y/n - S...sure
Tae - mmm?
Y/n - Yeah you can. I stay alone. Nobody is with me. As I need a companion. You can join me!.
Tae - mm!.
Y/n - You don't have any belongings to take with you?.
Tae - I have some things. C...can you help me?.
Y/n - Sure. I would also like to see the rooms, you guys see!.
Tae - come.

[ He showed me the way to his room. We entered a old building with lots of cracks. ]

Tae - My room!.

[ We entered together. Not much too say. While I was investigating the room, he packed his things. I turned back and the next second he handed me a box. ]

Y/n - What is this ?
Tae - Projects
Y/n - oh
Tae - Ready !.
Y/n  - mm?
Tae - hmm

[ There was nothing much with him. I thought he has many things. I took him to my bike. ]

Taehyung  - Is this yours ?
Y/n - Yeah !
Taehyung  - That's soo cool

[ He was damn surprised by my bike. ]

Taehyung  - where is your home?
Y/n - Just nearby!
Taehyung  - ohh !! How many minutes?
Y/n - 20 minutes!
Taehyung  - 20 minutes  ?
Y/n - yeah !
Taehyung  - I would have finished a project in that time!.
Y/n- wth?

[ I didn't mind him. I started the bike. He was calm. The next moment we moved from rest he screamed on top of his lungs.]

Taehyung- slow downnnnn!
Y/n  - we didn't even move yet !
Taehyung  - I am scared !
Y/n - close your eyes and hold something!

[ he closed his eyes and guess what HE HELD ME!. I was internally shaking. My heartbeat was racing. ]

Taehyung- I am okay now
Y/n  - Well I am not
Taehyung- what happened?
Y/n - never mind

[ we started from the college and were on the way to my home. There was a deadly silence inbetween us. And I was about to break that silence when I saw him enjoying the ride. He was not scared anymore. He slowly broke the hug. We had to wait in the signal. I got chance to admire him he was concentrated on a building. Questions rose in me. In curiosity and I asked him. ]
Y/n  - what are you looking at ?
Taehyung- n-nothing
Y/n - you can say to me!
Taehyung- it's an adoption centre
Y/n - why are you looking there?
Taehyung-  I left my dog there
Y/n - why?
Taehyung- many reasons!
Y/n - what are those reasons?
Taehyung-  in Hostel he is not allowed and I couldn't -.

[ Green light lit up. But I couldn't see him like that his eyes show clearly he misses that dog. The next thing I had to leave my vehicle there. ]

Taehyung- w-where are we going?
Y/n  - to the adoption centre!
Taehyung- w-w-why ?
Y/n - are you nervous?
Taehyung- kinda
Y/n  - why?
Taehyung- yeah cuz I abandoned him and I dont think-
Y/n  - get down!
Taehyung- no!
Y/n- get down! Let's go in !
Taehyung- I don't want to
Y/n  - well I am going to adopt a dog help me!
[ He slowly got down off the vehicle.  I dragged him in. I went to the reception. ]

Y/n  - hi I want to adopt a dog!
Receptionist- what kind of dog would you like to adopt mam?

[ He was standing beside me. Staring the ground. ]
Y/n  - what breed is your dog?
Taehyung- pomeranian ( low voice )
Y/n- I would like to adopt a pomeranian
Receptionist  - jake show her the pomeranian section. Have a look mam.
Jake - please follow me!
Y/n- yes! [ dragging taehyung ]
Taehyung-  Leave me plz
Y/n  - no way!
Jake - is it your boyfriend mam?
Y/n  - mm! No no we are just friends
Jake - doesn't looks like that.
Y/n  - d-did we  reach pomeranian section
Jake- yeahhh. We have
Cream-colored Pomeranian.

Orange sable Pomeranian.

Tri-colored Pomeranian.

A white Pomeranian.

Red Sable Pomeranian.

Full-grown Pomeranian.

Black Pomeranian puppy.

Black Pomeranian.

Y/n  - what pomeranian is yours ?
Taehyung- b-black and tan ( low voice )
Y/n  - jake do you guys have black and tan pomeranian
Jake - yeah but it just came from the hospital two days ago.
Y/n  - why hospital?
Jake - he had a heart surgery and was in hospital these days!
Y/n - how is he now?
Jake  - well he is good now!
Y/n- show me him!
Jake - sure!
Y/n- come taehyung!

[ his legs were shaking. I pulled him. ]
Jake - here it is!
Y/n - awww

[ as soon as we came the dog approached the glass and was wagging it's small tail. ]
Y/n  - jake can we try playing with him?
Jake - sure
Y/n  - taehyung go!
Taehyung-  me why?
Y/n - cuz WE are adopting him

[ He went into the cubic. As soon as we entered. The dog started to run through his legs. Then he came to me. I bonded down to his level, giving him a pat on his head. Then he again ran to taehyung. They both were cuddling. It was a cute scenario. He lifted the dog and kept it in his bag.]

Y/n- we would like to adopt him!Jake - sure we will bring! Please say him to leave him down

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Y/n- we would like to adopt him!
Jake - sure we will bring! Please say him to leave him down.
Y/n- taehyung leave it down
Taehyung- can I take him now?
Y/n  - they would give us!!
Taehyung-  okkkk!
Jake - you guys can wait in the lobby!
Y/n- yeahh! Come taehyung
Taehyung-  ah yeontan
[ I dragged him out. CUTIE.]

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