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Title: Drunk Love
TW: Slight SPG ( not that hard bruh, I just enjoy giving warnings HAHAHAHA)

"Damn, that was a tough day huh?" Harimu said after sitting, because of standing too much.

"It is, and I would kill for a drink right now, like for real." Lia Kim said as she sits beside Harimu.

1Million crew is too tired after having them to perform. It is the finals of Street Woman Fighter 2 today, and after congratulating the other teams for making this far, they sat on their private room.

"I know a place guys, and the barista is a hot shot." Dohee suggested.

"Really? Damn, let's try then. There's so schedules tomorrow anyways."

After the shoot, they took a photo one last time before parting ways, as the 1Million group made their way to the the Bar that Dohee suggested.

"Damn, the tension suddenly rising from here. Great atmosphere." Lia Kim started.

"And their songs are great too. I want to meet the dj bruh, the song is nice to dance with." Amy said vibing.

"Come on girls, let's get drunk!" Harimu said, being the first one to step Infront the drink section.

"Two martini please!" Harimu said as she waits for the Barista to turn around.

Harimu is really excited, not just for the drink, but also for the Barista that Dohee have been complimenting during their ride to the club.

Slightly broad shoulders, yet also feminine. The hair is tied into a half bun, while her other hair were free, making her have a messy yet sexy look from behind.

"Martini, coming right up." Y/n slowly turn around with big smile on her face, capturing the dancer.

Y/n tattoos were exposed, and Harimu must say, that adds to her charm.

Harimu looked around, seeing the other girl giggling after seeing Y/n. Well, she can't blame though.

"Here's a Martini, for a pretty lady." Y/n started as she puts down the drink Harimu ordered leaving the other girl starstrucked.

"Please enjoy your drink." Y/n smiled one last time before entertaining the other costumers.

Harimu felt some type of way after recieving such a random treatment from a pretty lady, but after seeing the big smile Y/n gave to the other costumers, somewhat made her indifferent. Maybe Y/n is just kind and it's all part of the service.

Shaking her head by her crazy thoughts, Harimu gazed at her other crew members dancing on the middle, with their great dancing skills making her cheer. But Harimu failed to notice how the young Barista was looking at her.

Y/n on the other hand haven't seen this quite of charismatic woman before, but Y/n knows Harimu very well. She's a great dancer after all.

Harimu ordered and ordered a drink, not only to get drunk, but also to see a of the pretty barista, glimpse again and again. She's practically drunk now, not knowing what's she's doing at all.

Harimu stood up, after getting herself drunk. She doesn't even know where her crew members whereabouts. Only thing she knows is that she's walking into a room, and nothing else.

Harimu stumbled into someone drunkenly, almost falling into her knees, but good thing she was caught by the waist, by the and only Y/n, who is ready to leave her night shift, and ready herself for tomorrow's sched, in her tattoo shop.

"Are you okay Miss? What brought you here?" Y/n asked not sensing that our great Harimu is drunk.

Harimu looks up, seeing a familiar face, and a pretty face, brought a drunken smile on her face.

"Wow, it's you again miss Barista." Harimu said as she put her fingers in Y/n plump lips, surprising the other girl.

"Yeah. Woah woah, easy there." Y/n said as Harimu almost lost her balance again.

"You know, the drinks you made really taste good, you know." Harimu started.

"Well, thank you very much Miss" Y/n said making Harimu regain her balance.

"But you know, I think something might taste much better than your drink." Harimu said with her droppy eyes.

Y/n heart sunk slightly after hearing that comment from her beautiful costumer.

"What is it?"

Harimu didn't answer, and slowly leans in as she captures the Barista's lips, and slides her hands into Y/n's neck.

Y/n stood there frozen on her place. She didn't know what to do as of the moment. She's dumbfounded.

Harimu pull out to the kiss, and stared into the Barista's eyes.

"I guess, it does taste better than your drinks."

Harimu said, before falling asleep in Y/n's embrace.

Well I guess, she'll be surprised for what the morning holds, after waking up, in someone's room, and it's the Barista that she's been thirsting for.

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