Bada Lee

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Title: Understand

Bada has been overthinking the possible ways to happen. She's been overworking herself, just to finish the piece of the choreo, that her and her crew will be performing, and her girlfriend has been looking at her worriedly.

Y/n walks up to her and put her in a hug, just to ease her girlfriends mind.

"Hey Love, please take a rest hm? Continue this tomorrow, it's getting late." Y/n bribes to her girlfriend who is busy writing down notes.

"I can't Love okay? I need to finish this now, I can't fail." Bada answered, not looking at her girlfriend.

"But Love it can wait, you don't have to pressure yourself, you're doing great-"

"You don't understand y/n, this is important not to finish! Get off my back for a moment, geez." Bada explained to her girlfriend. Her mind is clouded with so much thought not to notice her girlfriend's teary eyes.

Bada never screamed at her like this, and this is the first time. Y/n understands Bada, that she just want what's best for her crew, but y/n just wanted Bada to handle it healthily.

"O-okay, I'll give you some time hm? Make sure to sleep tightly my love okay? Don't stress yourself." Y/n softly whispered to Bada's ear before kissing Bada's forehead good night, before leaving to bed.

"Fuck, this is hard." Bada said leaning on the couch thinking, but her thinking got deeper and she came into realization.

"Did I just fucking screamed at her?" F-fuck." Bada abruptly stood up from her seat, running to their shared room.

Bada saw her girlfriend shaking as she cries quietly on their bed, she's trying to cover up her cries not make it audible. She's packed guilt, remembering how her girlfriend just wanted for her to take a rest.

Slowly, Bada slides to the blanket, hugging y/n from the back.

"I'm sorry, Love. Did I disturb?" Y/n turns around facing Bada who looks like she's about to cry too.

"N-no love." Bada replied shakily.

"I-I'm sorry for pushing you away my love. Sorry for hurting you." Bada said as she burries her fave in her girlfriend's neck, while her hands are tightened in her waist.

Bada only cried harder as she felt y/n softly caressed her hair, and kissed her forehead.

"It's fine my love, I understand very much. You can scream anything you want at me okay? As long as you're not hurting inside, and you can let out the emotions that you're keeping here." Y/n as she points out Bada's chest.

"Your feelings are always valid, and I know how hard you work on everything, I know how you struggle, and it's okay to feel this way. Always remember, I'll be here always, waiting for you, and to cheer for you. I love you, love." Y/n explain with detail, making Bada rethink if she really deserves the girl.

"How about we sleep hm? And I'll help you with the choreo tomorrow, and match it with your favourite food being cooked tomorrow? How does it sounds?"

"Sounds great my love. And I'm sorry again for hurting your feelings. I love you too." Bada said as she kissed her girlfriend lips, and get comfy in her arms, as they sleep the night away.

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