CHP 22

184 6 0

Annie - what is it, mom ? why are you shutting the door?

Aisha - i wanted to talk to you about something.

Annie - sure,what is it? All of you are acting so weird.Tell me what is it?

Aisha - I don't know how to talk to you about this.

Annie - come sit can talk to me about know that, right?

Aisha - you are a good child.

Annie - until yesterday....i was lazy and illiterate, but today... I'm a good child?
you want me to agree to something, right?Tell me,what is it? what happened?

Aisha - i was angry when i said it. otherwise,a good child  like you... is hard to find.

Annie - mom. i feel scared...what do you want to talk to me about? Do you want to ask me something,or tell me something?what is it?

Aisha - yes my dear...what i want to talk to you sure to listen to it patiently.

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