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mayi ri features a family of eight people, including two siblings,their wives ,kids and a typical mother-in-law.The elder brother,zaheer runs the house whereas the younger brother habib is his follower

In the case of the women ,the dynamics are different.samina is the older daughter in law , and aisha the younger one .they find solace in one another's presence as sister's ,as friends and as passengers drifting in the same boat but each with different captain

The story revolves around their kids , fakhir and annie ,who are busy enjoying the joys of teenage life ,their world centres on carrom games , mathematical equations,teenage crushes,and cousin rivalries

fakhir is Zaheer's only son .he never takes his studies seriously which gets zaheer worried about him

annie is Zaheer's niece . she's a bright child who is amazing well at studies.her gather thinks of her and her sister as a burden

To be continued

destiny ♥️(mayi ri)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن