CHP 11

241 9 0

( in room) zaheer and Habib

zaheer: listen did you talk to her ?

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zaheer: listen did you talk to her ?

Habib: i didn't get a chance.Did you talk to your wife ?

zaheer : i also didn't get a chance,a lot of people are visiting,i hardly got any chance to talk to her in peace. but see,we have to wind up this matter soon

Habib: Yes,ok brother i will do whatever you want me to do, don't worry

zaheer : Go

Granny : Clean everything properly, check for the dust below the bed.clean that too also open the windows for cross ventilation,My daughter is coming along with her kids & husband,so do everything properly clean it properly,as there is a lot of dust here Aisha... Aisha

Aisha : yes mom

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Aisha : yes mom

Granny : All the preparation for food is completed?

Aisha : yes mom

Granny : Okay call Habib & tell him to come back home a bit early also ask him to bring 2 kgs of sweets as well,ok ?

Aisha: okay

Granny : also ,did you tell him to bring mutton,beef & prawns ?

Aisha : yes yes,mom i had given him the list only sweet are left.Let me call & inform him

Granny : Okay, iam coming with you.clean it properly look the table is so dirty, be quick

sameena: Fakhir, Why are you always playing games ? focus on your studies

sameena: Fakhir, Why are you always playing games ? focus on your studies

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Fakhir : just now i have started playing, before that i was studying

sameena: ok listen ! your elder aunt (Zaheer's sister) Is coming in a few days
so stay at home

fakhir : as if she is coming to meet me

sameena : bad manners! your father will become happy as well

fakhir : ok fine, right now iam playing game then i will study

fakhir : ok fine, right now iam playing game then i will study

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sameena : only half on hour ! start studying...

Fakhir: fry some kebabs for me as iam feeling so hungry.please also please make the milkshake along with it

sameena : okay

Aisha : ok listen! a lot of expense has happened.Also we have to pay Faiza's fee too

Habib: i will ask for it from brother, don't worry

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Habib: i will ask for it from brother, don't worry

Aisha : okay, also i have to pay the amount for the committee and listen ! the grocery that you have brought,have you brought it from your money?

Habib : I don't have that much money.i have brought it from the money brother had given bhabi for house expense

Aisha : okay, Annie's farewell is also coming and i have to make her a new dress

Habib: A dress for  farewell ?
these are extra expenses!

Aisha : leave it ! i will ask sister ( bhabhi), she will make it for her.its useless to talk to you 

Habib : what can i do Aisha ? iam brother's employee i work there

Aisha : then do your business, who has stopped you ?

Habib : Yes,i will do the business. ok ?  from where i will get the money? Amount is required to do the business

Aisha : try taking loan from brother

Habib : everything is given by him, now i shall seek money from him for the business as well. just pray that brother always stays along with us

Aisha : Amen

Habib : everything is fine until brother is here

to be continued...

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