CHP 14

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sameena- anyways

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sameena- must have provoked him,i know.  what had happened to habib?
he had been keeping this matter to himself since so many days how can he agree?

  what had happened to habib?he had been keeping this matter to himself since so many days how can he agree?

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Aisha -sister, habib never refuses brother for anything & you know it . i see that's why he had stayed here last night so that he could talk to me,but he didn't get a chance.but now i will talk to habib myself.
its the matter of the children life,its not a joke sister

its the matter of the children life,its not a joke sister

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sameena - this shouldn't happen

Aisha - they have made the drama of our children life

sameena - there will be a lot of destruction if this happened

Aisha - God forbid sister....

Annie - hi Amna r u ?

how r u ?

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