CHP 24

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faiza -Fakhir come on.have you seen Annie?

have you seen Annie?

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Fakhir - No ...she must be outside.

faiza - Annie..will you play carom?

Annie - No, I don't want to.

faiza - come can become Fakhir's partner.

Annie - I don't want to become anyone's partner. And when i said that i don't want to play,then i don't want to play.

 And when i said that i don't want to play,then i don't want to play

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Fakhir - she's gone insane. she's afraid that if she plays with us, she'll lose.

Annie - yes... I'm insane...why do you care ? mind your business!

faiza - Annie...

Fakhir - go

faiza - what happened to her?

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faiza - what happened to her?

fakhir - I don't know.i told you, she's going insane.

i told you, she's going insane

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