Kiri and Ruka's eyes met, the unspoken question shimmering in the air. Tears, this time of pure joy, welled up. Their dreams, once a chasm, were now interwoven, their love the sturdy rope binding them together.

As they kissed under the cherry blossoms, a promise blossomed on their lips. A love story written in distance, whispered in moonlit rooftops, fueled by shared dreams and unwavering resilience. Ruka, a supernova burning bright, and Kiri, her steadfast samurai, hand in hand, their love a beacon across the continents.

Theirs was a love story woven in starlight, a melody hummed on rooftops, a promise whispered across oceans - a testament to the fact that, sometimes, the greatest journeys begin with a single decision, and the most beautiful constellations are forged in the fires of doubt and the storms of separation.

Rouki (Sasaki) and Hiroya (Miyagi): A Wanderful Night

In the suburbs bordering Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo, Japan.

Sunlight bathed the corner of Cafe Asia in a warm glow, laughter swirling like dandelion fluff on the summer breeze. Kazuya Kinoshita, ever the restless butterfly, perched on the armrest of Chizuru Mizuhara's chair, his eyes twinkling with mischievous intent.

"Akihiko-san's twins... already celebrating their first birthday?" Kazuya mused, disbelief tinging his voice as he nudged Itsuhito Sakaki, the father of the birthday boys. "Remember when little Rouki and Hiroya were just squirming bundles in blankets? Time flies faster than a fastball, wouldn't you agree, Shinichi?"

Shinichi Sakurai, the calm anchor of the group, chuckled from his armchair, his gaze meeting Hana Uzaki's across the room. "Indeed, Kazuya," he replied. "Speaking of speed, did you hear? Roki Sasaki, the four-time Sawamura Award winner, just signed with the Seagulls! Busan Sajik Stadium will erupt."

Excitement buzzed through the room. Shinichi Kudo, his eyes ablaze with curiosity, leaned forward. "Boom, there it is. The Seagulls are back!" The famed detective, better known as Conan Edogawa, cheered for his namesake.

"Oi, Edo-kun," Heiji Hattori's infectious grin crinkled his age-defying face. "Really? Sasaki, Miyagi, and now Franco back in the lineup? Those Lotte teams haven't had this much star power since the days of Kang Min-ho and Lee Dae-ho!"

"And just wait until I snag a 'Rouki and Hiroya' special edition jersey!" Heiji, the former gym teacher turned police superintendent, exclaimed. "Those kids are our lucky charms!"

Kaito Kuroba, a playful glint in his eyes, nudged Hattori with his elbow. "Careful, Heiji," he teased. "Those jerseys might be worth more than my next MMA heist if those twins turn out to be baseball prodigies like their old man!" The playful boxer, better known as "Kaito Kid" for his athleticism on and off the ring, couldn't resist a dry joke.

Hattori chuckled, reminiscing about the days he mercilessly mocked Sakaki's hitting skills during Little League Baseball. "Maybe, maybe," he conceded.

The Days of "Future Past"

Laughter bounced off the cafe walls, mingled with memories of Chizuru's father, Kohei Mizuhara, a former Lotte Giants minor league player. Chizuru's heart brimmed with pride as she joined the conversation.

"Akihiko-san must be over the moon," she said, her voice soft. "Look at him with his grandsons."

"Remember when he told Akihiro-san that 'Mizu-chan will make it big in Korea?' Wild days, huh?"

How Chizuru knew, despite her father's passing at 33, remained a mystery. Except for Kazuya, who often sported an old Lotte Giants jersey with "Mizuhara" in Korean, a gift from Naohiro Hachioji, his father's best friend. 

The number: 124. April 12th, the day Kohei  and Kasumi passed. A week before Chizuru's fifth birthday.

Hence, the Case Closed quartet, Chizuru's legal guardians, still cheered for both Lotte teams.

Kazuya, nostalgia glinting in his eyes, nodded, smirking at Shinichi. "Wild indeed! Remember when Kudo-san and Hattori-san, those CHIPs wannabes, convinced us to sneak into Sajik Stadium after curfew? Nearly got chased out by grumpy security!"

Saguru Hakuba, ever the observer, raised an eyebrow. "And don't forget, young one, how you managed to trip on your shoelace and face-planted at the mound just before the first pitch? How come? Saburo, yer own deskmate, was mocked by teachers at those Steve O impersonations."

Kazuya scoffed, cheeks pink. "Rogue shoelace, unc! Besides, Dad thought it looked cooler than your groundskeeper act later that night. Shameless old coots."

The banter flowed like a well-played game, each memory a pitch, each laugh a hit. They reminisced about Kohei and Kasumi's wedding, the Mizuhara-Ichinose reconciliation, and even Kogoro and Eri's, which oddly happened in this very cafe, while watching Korean baseball.

Yes, Conan's in-laws were on the brink of divorce again, thanks to a Ponzi scheme. Ran and Shiho lived separately now. 

As the sun dipped, casting long shadows, a quiet descended. Shinichi, an arm around Hana, gazed out the window.

"Life comes full circle," he said thoughtfully. "I only met Kohei-san once, but his spirit lives on in those twins, just as our dreams and passions are passed down. His short life lives beyond ours, right here, right now."

Chizuru, her hand in Kazuya's, smiled. "Indeed," she agreed. "And maybe, just maybe, those little Rouki and Hiroya will one day throw shutouts under Busan lights, carrying the legacy of baseball die-hards, along with laughter and joy."

Ami, nursing the baby, blinked at the unexpected humor. "The goal, is, Major League Baseball, of course," she quipped. "No way these gluttony brats are leaving just for the KBO! They're stat-pad kings here!"


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