Christmas Party pt.2

Start from the beginning

Suddenly dunk noticed milk and called for her and as jake wasn't visible from there, where he was standing milk went to greet dunk along with love 

Dunk then introduced her to his sister and friend:" hey milk this is my sister olivia"

Olivia " hi"

Milk:" hey"

Dunk:' and this my friend jake apparently who is also your best friend "

Milk looks at jake and says:" was"

Dunk:" huh"

Milk :" U know it's been while since we met plus we have already lost connection"

Before anyone says anything again:

Joong announced:" hey let's go to the dance floor the ball dance will begin, and as we know the rules we will keep dancing untill the song ends and at the end when the lights goes off we will kiss our last partner, and we have to change our parents in every after one minute "

Milk murmured: " stupid "

But so what everyone was excited and so ot begins.

Everyone was dancing with their partners and changing it after every 1 minute .

After a while what milk doesn't want to happen, happens, and she ended up with jake while dancing.

Although they didn't talk much but jake tried his best to talk to her and apologize but as he don't know from where to start he just talk about his old school times and in response milk just hummed a bit 

On other side love ended up with lewis who was actually lowkey flirting with her which made love's heartbeat faster and the only thing she could do was blush.

On the  second round milk end up with dunk and it goes smoothly and love ended up with joong .

Joong the extroverted guy he is strikes a conversation:" hey"

Love:" um hi"

Joong:" I'm joong btw"

Love chuckled:" who in this whole uni doesn't know you"

Jonng also chuckled:" you are my sister's friend right"

Love:" um I mean not friend but u know sometimes we help each other and came in handy when we need someone"

Joong:" ooo, kind a complicated relation"

Love:" umm right btw I'm love probably u don't know my name"

Joong:" who says I know, you from architecture right?"

Love with a sulky face:" no, fashion designing"

Joong in embarrassment and guilt :" oh sorry sorry my mistake "

Love couldn't keep up her act laughed loudly seeing that joong also joined her.

Joong kind of liked that girl not like, like like but you know she is first girl who didn't flirt with him and talked freely.

On the third round jake ends up with olivia, although olivia wasn't interested in paying attention at all but he starts conversing with her for which he although got positive response, not like milk, but her gaze was fixed at joong who was right now dancing with a girl but suddenly changed to her brother and the lights goes off .

Before olivia processing anything jake said

Jake: "I'm sorry but"

And he kissed her but it was a forehead kiss not an actual kiss as even if he is American but still afterall it's his friends sister he can't kiss her out of the Blue, but although olivia was shocked from that but she still find the gesture cute and stared at the figure infront of which she can't see at that moment.

On the otherside although the changing of joong's partner was late but still they both saw eachother, and when the light goes off they both stand in silence for a while listening to other kissing sounds, but joong be like joong without thinking much only just that he don't want to look like a looser after this he kissed dunk (ON THE LIPS) although it was just a peck on the lips but still dunk was thinking about 99 ways to murder joong. But joong felt a little odd while doing that he blushed after that I mean The joong blushed after kissing him means the playboy the boy who only think about Jamie as his girlfriend ( who is not currently) he blushed after kissing a guy and that also his arch nemesis dunk, okay if it isn't odd for you guys it's definitely is odd for him. Btw who's gonna tell him now.

Well again on the other side milk didn't get to see who her changed partner was and nor her partner got to see that. So without seeing anything our Ms. Milk kissed that person PASSIONATELY plus for a long while until the person in front of her started gasping for breath. And it somehow felt good when her lips met with a gentle touch, feeling soft and tender against each other. The taste was a mix of warmth and sweetnes. And for some reason she geussed that maybe it was a girl. And when the lights came she saw it's the truth and thought she should stop geussing from now cause how the heck it's always true but the thing she not geussed was who is that girl and yep you guys guessed right, this time not her but you, it's none other than our very precious love who is now standing infront of her with shocked Pikachu face. And she fainted, yep she actually fainted maybe from alcohol or the kiss well nobody knows but know she is carried by milk to room so that she could rest. 

Well it was such a eventful day for all of them.

Hey guys by the way I have started working on another book if you guys like this one please check my other work called PROMISE, and if you guys like this chapter please vote and comment. Thankyou.

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