First Look

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It's been 6 months since milk and joong has started their college, though they are twins, they don't look much alike but their habit's are quite similar like their love for bikes and playing basketball.

It's 7 am in the morning
Joong " moooom I'm leaving for college"
Milk " yeah mom me too"
Their mom " yes baby drive carefully "
MilK & joong " BYE"

After bidding goodbyes to their mom they hop onto their bikes and rush off to their college.

On the other side love was getting ready. She is the most innocent and softest person, actually she is the most girliest girl any one could ever find even her whole room looked like it is covered with pink wrapping paper.

Love " dad I'm ready, let's go otherwise I will be late"
Her dad " yes dear, I'm coming"
Love " Bye mom"
Mom " bye honey"

At 8 am all the three of them reached the university.  Without looking anywhere the three of them rushed to their classrooms.

After 1 hr everyone's classes ended and all of them seperately went to the campus where Milk met her best friends Gemini and Phuwin , Love met her best friends Engfa and Becky, and Joong met his best friends Pond and Fourth

Pond " joong don't mind but why you two suddenly broke up"
Joong " huh"
Fourth repeated " you and jamie ! , why suddenly broke up"
Joong " oh actually ! , leave it na bro, it's already 1 month old topic"
Pond" I know but you two still talk to each other and she also sometimes flirt with you and you too flirt back with her"
Joong " yeah, i mean maybe I still have feelings for her"
Fourth " you guys are crazy, then why you broke up"
Joong " I don't know, it's just sometimes she acts so badly, usually I keep my calm but that day I just can't take that anymore and I too lash out at her,( sigh,) and we broke up"
Pond " hmmm I get it to be honest I don't like her at all, although if you still love her you can give it a second time,  though I never talk with her much but I'm warning you be careful"
Joong " yeah I think I would give it a second try"

Suddenly from behind jamie and her minions Sara and June came and greeted them and Jamie started talking and flirting with Joong.

Seeing that from a-far Milk roles her eyes and said to her friends.

Milk " wow what a idiot brother I got"
Gemini " why suddenly "
Milk " look at your side"
Both Mark and Gemini looked their and saw the scene
Phuwin " oh but didn't they broke up 1 month ago"
Gemini " yeah, but they stayed friends"
Milk " friends my ass, she flirts with him anytime she gets, like right now and my love sick brother thinks she still love her"
Phuwin" then for what do you think"
Milk " obviously for popularity and expensive gifts"
Gemini " that's true though"
Milk " yeah obviously, in this college there are only 3 ways to get famous, 1st join the cheer leading team, 2nd join the swim team, or , 3rd join the basket ball team"
Phuwin" hmm just like we are famous because of I and Gemini joined the swim team and you joined the basket ball team"
Milk " yeah right, but there is another way of getting famous and that is by dating one of the players from any team and that's also the reason she got selected for cheer leading, everything is interlinked"
Gemini" hmm but she is pretty too..... Ouchh....... Why do you hit me"
Milk " stop talking nonsense"
Phuwin laughed seeing them bantering.

While everyone on campus was talking and gossiping with each other, a Mercedez Benz arrived in the campus, and a handsome looking guy got out of the car.

Seeing a handsome guy mostly every girl in the campus squealed in joy. He walked some steps and asked the first girl came in his way who was standing backwards so she didn't noticed.
Suddenly someone tapped the girl's shoulder.

She turnwd around and saw a good looking guy is standing behind her

The boy said " hi I'm dunk"
The girl startled a bit " aaaa, h hi I'm love"
Dunk " hi can you tell at which way is the faculty of computer engineering"
Love " umm yea it's......."

Suddenly jamie interrupted her

Jamie " hi I'm jamie"
Dunk said with an interesting look " hi I'm dunk"
Jamie " if you are finding the way of the faculty of computer engineering it's that way I can guide"
Dunk " oh thank you so much for your trouble"
Jamie " heyyyy don't be so formal with me and what is the trouble in helping someone as handsome as you"
Dunk blushed a little and said " ummm so let's go"

After that they went of to their way.

On the other side Love feeling the feel of love at first sight and her friends were trying to wake her to reality.

Even Milk was also kind a feeling star struck by seeing a handsome face as him.
She suddenly said
Milk " hey guys can you please help me in getting all the information about that new guy"
Phuwin " awww looks like someone is falling in loooovee"
Milk " yeah, ( she cleared her throat a little and said ) I mean he is looking hot, and please guys fast"
Gemini jokingly said " yes sir oh sorry mam hehe"

On the other hand pond said
Pond " looks like someone is trying to steal your girl"
Fourth " yeah even your sister is also swooned by him'
Joong " huh my sister, and why you were looking in that way"
Fourth " it's just came acrossed my eyes bro"
Joong " hmm, and about that new guy so it's going to be fun competing against him "
Pond " oooohh, it's really going to be interesting "

MISMATCHED ( milklove & joongdunk)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin