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The start of their 2nd year in December 2023

Joong " heyy are you ready today we are going to start our 2nd year and you are sleeping till now"

Milk :" I wasn't sleeping I was at the washroom and stop screaming like siren"

Before joong said anything

Milk:" let's go "

Joong:" Jesus, can you ever atleast let me finish what I was saying "

Milk:" ohh so now we are not getting late!"

*Pause*( she was staring at him waiting to hear what he was going to say, with questioning look and joong was also staring at her not knowing why she is staring)

Joong with a confused look:" w-what?"

Milk almost screaming:"  say what you wann say"

Joong:" nevermind I forgot "

Frustrated milk yanked him with her, from where they were standing to the parking lot.

And both of them hoped onto there bike and went off to uni.

While entering uni  joong met his friends

Pond : " hey buddy wassup"

( And they did a feist bump)

Joong: " hey guys "

Fourth: " are you guys done with your greetings then let's go to class today prof is going to give us some some special project work to do"

Joong whines:" but this year has just started today is the 1st day how they expect us to do project now"

Pond:" yeah I heard about that they will take the projects in the session ending"

Joong:" oh cool then we got a lot of time for that" (and rested his body on the pillar with a calm smile)

Fourth:" and for that we have to go to class which is gonna start any minute and we are late"

Hearing that pond dragged joong with himself who was leaning on the pillar with no worries like an idiot. When they reached their classroom class hasn't began but after they entered, the teacher also entered within a few seconds. 

While pond gave joong a " I saved you" look and fourth gave " because of me" look for which joong gave a guilty smile .

After the class starts the teacher anounced that there is a new project for them. For which they have to collab with computer engineering student and they can make a small group of minimum two and maximum three from their own faculty of mechanical engineering and they will work with group of two or three from computer engineering.

He then again said " Students as computer engineering faculty had a class before you all so they already have decided their team so it's requested to all of you that submit your team now and in the afternoon in hall there will be selection of which team of this faculty will work with their faculty "

Then everyone make their own group and naturally joong pond and fourth is in one group and now they are excited about who are they gonna paired up with.

After the class ended they all went to the campus while discussing about their project.


Love, while getting ready for the uni she was feeling a mixture of both excitement and nervousness, cause it was finally the day she was going to meet her crush after 2 years and her bff after almost an year and a half. That day she wakes up early to choose the best dress and to do the best makeup so that she could looks her best.

She reached her uni earlier cause of excitement, so as engfa and Becky cause they know that how exited their friend are, but also after listening to the description of her friend's crush and bff they didn't like it at all so they kind a went earlier because of their protective Instinct.

Engfa:" by the way we literally came an hour earlier than usual"

Love:" you know guys that how excited I am to meet my friends"

Engfa rolled her eyes as she was really protective for both her friends cause they were like her sister.

Beck:" obviously love but I have suggestion"

Love with a questioning face:" what?" 

Becky:" that when they will come you will pretend to be normal, I mean don't show your excitement at all and give a neutral reaction"

Love:" okay as you say you highness" and she giggled. While becky playfully hit hit her and both engfa and love laughed loudly.

At that time someone came and placed their hands on loves eyes

Startled from that love asked:" who?"

A girly voice said:" omg it's not even been that long and you already forgot me, I'm hurt"

Love said with a doubt:" sia?"

And that girl removed her hand from love's eyes and love turned to her direction of that girl who revealed to be sia 

Love hugged her do did sia:" omg it's been a year we met I really missed you"

Sia:" btw look who I met while entering" by saying that she pointed her fingers to a tall and actually kinda handsome guy.

Love don't know what expression to give but as per Becky's suggest ion she suppressed her actual emotion as much as she coul and said:" oh hi lewis, how have you been"

For which lewis smiled and said:" love you don't have to be that formal after all we were from same class"

Love felt a slight of embarrassment which didn't last long as lewis suddenly said.

Lewis:" by the way you have actually changed a lot since the last time I saw you 2 years ago, that time used to wear thick glasses and always used to make pigtails but now you are so fashionable, but actually you are looking good "

Love blushed a little which gone unnoticed by everyone.

Love:" thank you, but when did you came back to bangok and which stream you both are in"

Lewis:" oh I came back a month ago and I'm in law faculty "

Sia:" and I'm in mass media "

Love:" that's great but the mass media class is going to start soon if don't wanna be lateyou should go now and and "

Sia:" oh but where the class is?"

Lovee:" it's in the building in front of us"

Sia:" oh thank I'm going meet you in tha lunch time at the...... "

Love :" campus "

Sia :" ok bye" 

And she rushed off.

Lewis:" and what about me"

Love:" oh actually I don't know much about law faculty but umm ( she hesitated a bit but said) um I have friend from that faculty who could help you.

Engfa and becky in confusion and asked in a low voice who, but love didn't answered them, and took lewis with her to person who was surrounded by her friends in front of her.



When milk entered the university she saw love was surrounded by her friends but there were also two more figure who she didn't recognised.

Phuwin:" who ate you watching " and he turned his head and said "oh look like love made new friends, btw who is that guy"

Gemini teased:" why are you feeling jealous?!"

Phuwin angrily hit Gemini but Gemini continued his teasing. But millk wasn't paying attention to them her eyes were stuck on love and friends.

After some time she saw that unknown girl goes of to somewhere while love said something to the guy and starts walking towards her and milk got confused and startled a bit.

MISMATCHED ( milklove & joongdunk)Where stories live. Discover now