Love me again

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Gray's P.O.V

It's been a week and a half. He's still in his coma and hasn't gotten better. I come here everyday to visit him and stay by his bedside.

I held his hand everyday and told him how sorry I was. I would usually stay the night, but Erza will make me go home to take a shower and eat. Then I can go back.

I would come here and tell him stories about our adventures and about us. I will look at his sleepy face and smile, but will loose it because his heart beat is slow and he's not getting better. At least it's still beating.

The doctors are trying to figure out what's wrong with him, why he hasn't woken up yet. The curiosity is killing me inside because I want him to be okay.

It pains me so much, so much, to see him like this right now. I could be banish to the hottest dessert, dying of thirst and starvation. Knowing I only got two days to live. They can break me down and torture me mentally, emotionally, and physically. Any other pain to make me suffer.

But no pain is greater right now then see Natsu laying in this bed, injured and could be in so much pain and we wouldn't even know. It pains me to see him like this, lying in this bed.

I started to tear up knowing I could be losing him. Then I heard a knock on the door. I wiped my eyes quickly before anybody could see. The door click opened. Somebody walks in, but I didn't take my eyes away from Natsu.

"Hey Gray I, uh got something for Natsu and you." Said the person. I turn around to see Sting. He hands me a small box.

"I know that, Natsu would have wanted you to have this." I looked down at the box and looked back up at him.

"Thank you Sting" I said to him, feeling guilty.

"Don't thank me, thank Natsu. He's the one who spent his time on these. They were specially made." I looked up at him and nodded my head.

He then left wishing Natsu the best of luck and hopes he wakes up. I look back at Natsu and start to open the small box.

I knew what they were from the start, I tried so hard not to ball, but that's been hard these days. There were the two engagement rings. One was a icy engrave ring that spelled Gray, while the other was a fire like engrave ring that spelled Natsu. It has a little note on the top. He said...

'These two rings are meant to be wore by two Mage that have the same element as them. But yet have the same love for one another. Once put on, your flow of energy will go to the ring. Once you guys say those magical words of 'I do' then think of the person you love and the rings will glow. When your hands touch, the rings should spark, literally. And make a beautiful harmony between both of you. Cherish each other for the rest of your life. Love each other like it's your last day."

I took the one that Natsu was suppose to give to me and I put it on my ring finger. I looked at it, knowing that I will never take it off. I then got up and put Natsu's ring on his ring finger.

They were beautiful, I wish he could see them right now. I kept looking at ours hands being intertwine together. The room became a nice cool/warm temperature.

The note was right, it makes a perfect temperature...a beautiful harmony. I want Natsu to know that I love him, to know that I want him back, to know that everything is going to be okay.

But sadly it's not...

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