Alexandria, 4 years ago

Start from the beginning

Once we arrived at the hotel after a long drive, my friend Jessa checked us all into the suite and we quickly changed into our swimsuits and went down to the beach. Jessa and Harlow wore tiny bikinis that would have made my parents have a heart attack, which made me giggle at the thought of putting one on and taking a picture for me to show them. I wasn't brave enough for that though, so I wore a modest one piece. Jennifer wore one similar to mine, but mine was dark blue and plain whereas hers was black and had a bunch of different cut outs on it.

The good thing about my friends is that they have never judged me for being different. They always invited me to parties with them but never held it against me when I stayed in and studied instead. They always made me feel welcome and included. They were shocked that I came with them though, but they were excited I was finally doing something fun. Jennifer came from a similar family as mine, just less extreme, so she understood me the most.

"Hottie alert up ahead." Harlow whispered as we were setting up our beach towels on the sand. She had always been the more 'boy crazed' of us, so I ignored her as I continued to lay out my towel and set my water bottle and sunscreen on it.

"Oh my, sweet baby Jesus. He can't be real. Do you see those abs? He has to be photoshopped." Jennifer whispered in a shocked breath, making my eyes go huge. Jennifer had a long time boyfriend she was madly in love with, so to hear her say something about another guy was out of character for her.

"Jenn! You have a boyfriend. Daniel would be so mad if he heard you talking about another guy like that." Jessa scolded. Jennifer just shrugged her shoulders.

"What? He's sex on a stick. Besides, I'm just looking. It's not like I'm going to cheat or anything. Calm down." She had a point. Her and Daniel had been together since highschool, they were end game. I knew Jennifer would never do anything to hurt Daniel. It still felt icky to me though, but what do I know? I had never had a boyfriend before.

I looked towards the water where they were all staring, letting my curiosity finally win out to see what they were talking about. I nearly choked on my tongue as I watched the most attractive man I had ever seen in my life walk out of the water.

He was tall, and his tanned skin was a nice golden brown, like he spent plenty of time outdoors. His defined muscles looked like he was sculpted by Michelangelo himself. I saw what Jennifer was saying now because there was no way he was real. He had on black board shorts that stuck to his skin as he climbed out of the water and you could clearly see the outline of his thing before he pulled the shorts away from his skin so they weren't sticking to him. The only penis I had ever seen was in an anatomy book, but my goodness, his couldn't have been natural. Not with the way it hung down the inside of his thigh, almost to his knee. I finally understood the saying hung like a horse.

I looked away as I felt my face heat at where my mind had just wandered. But I quickly looked back because my eyes were clearly drawn to him. Like Jennifer said, there was no harm in just looking. Right? Besides, when would I ever get the chance to look at someone so dang beautiful like that again? They didn't grow them like that where I was from, that's for sure.

He had dark brown hair that was a little long and it was dripping wet from the ocean water. I watched each droplet as it dripped down his glorious body, running over his vast tattoos. I had never been attracted to guys with tattoos before, since most were usually bad news, but his were beautiful. They were intricate designs of an assortment of things that seemed like they meant something to him, instead of just the ugly monster energy logo like the guys back home liked to get. Everything about this guy was just... beautiful. Man, if my parents knew I was ogling a boy right now, they would throw hot sauce in my eyes and demand I wear a chastity belt.

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