part-84(sunny is back )

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This story is all imagination n nothing is really if someone feel bad or something I m sorry... n I write what I feel If u r not liking I m sorry then too

Here kk reached home at 10..

Kk : today I will surprise teja ... wow she will get so happy... God it's been so many days I saw her..

Kk saw house helper there as teja was alone she use to always stay with her..

Kk: kaki.. where is teja..

Kaki: baba she is still in office like daily..

Kk: office daily... I didn't understand kaki..

Kaki: she cames very late like 10 or 11 or sometimes 12

Kk: ok...

Kk went towards there room n got fresh ... he thought of calling her but then called omi..

Kk: hello omi..

Omi : say..

Kk: where are u..

Omi: on earth ... say sir y did u call me..

Kk: y r u talking this way

Omi: I m sorry but I talk with Stangers this way only..

Kk: Stanger.. omi..

Omi: yup because my brother was never this .. all time work .. Karan kundra is becoming like his father work is family n family is nothing right bhai..

Kk: omi y r u talking this way .. n u know I can never be that n how could u compare me with him how..

Omi: I knew u can never but this 3 months are making me change my heart.. do u remember when was the last time u talked with me for myself  .. leave me when was the last time u talked with teja..

Kk: I talk with her daily omi..

Omi: hm that only na ...say me how is she.. when do she go home .. n when did she eat .. n why did she got panic attacks...

Kk: panic attacks...

Omi: u didn't knew right... because she never shared... n she will never... because as per her.. only u matter if u give her time or u don't... if u talk with her or no .. if u ask her how is she or no..  that doesn't care with her.. she just want to make u feel good keep u happy.. but for keeping u this way she had forgotten her.... n in starting I thought u will get normal n will be more careful more loveable towards her..  but no in all the so called office work u forgot only that u have ur wife ... n she is still in office n I know u are in India n u called me to know where she is .. she will come home in next 20 min.. n I know u might be how do I know..  because I have fit a camera in her room the day I saw her getting panic I didn't wanted to take risk...she is packing her stuff.. n Karan kundra with u and  ur wife I don't want to talk with u both Because I told her the same n I m telling u the same..  I don't know this two people because whom I knew where my brother n my bhabhi but now u both have become stranges to me .. I m sorry if any of my words have hurted u.. n from today I m just an employee of ur company

Saying this omi cut the call... n kk couldn't say a word because somewhere he was wrong... somewhere he became like someone he never wanted to he always was having only thing in his mind that never work should take place of family n always family should come first...

Kk sat down in balcony..

Kk to himself:Karan u to become like Mr Kundra baby didn't say anything but I m so stupid ... how could I do ...I never wanted to do this ...but I did this only... n In all this my baby suffered without even saying anything...n Karan from past 14 days u were out did u ever ask how r u .... no she was the one who use to n still pampering me with so much love so much care .. I have to change it .. let her come I will talk to her...

Soon teja came home... n as she entered there room she didn't see anything n as kk was seeing her from balcony n she didn't know he was here..

She went n changed her clothes n came back n she was wearing kk's hoodie n then jumped on bed... n took a kk's photo n hugged n was going to sleep..

Kk came inside..

Kk: oh madam u stole my clothes..

Teja: oh hello they are my sunny clothes..

Kk: then who I m

Teja didn't see kk ... because she was sleeping on her stomach.

Teja: sunny...

Teja turned n got up n jumped on him..

Kk to hugged her..

Teja: sunnyyy..  yeahhh my sunny.

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