part-23(i m right man ?)

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N all this talks kk heard but he just entered the door as if he came now...

Kk: hello my dear wife...

Teja:  helloo... Karan she is adaa... n adaa he is ....

Adaa: my jiju.. hii jiju... how r u ...

Kk blushed when she told him jiju n then they had few talks n soon adaa left

Teja holds kks hand n started walking towards there room...

Kk: what happened...

Teja: I want to show u what all I brought... n please select which to wear tomorrow

Then teja took out few packets   .

Kk: this manyyy..

Teja: wo.. I was not knowing what u will like  .

Kk: ok show...

Teja showed him everything n he liked her choice a lot..

Kk: but didn't u go mall..

Teja: y u didn't like..

Kk: no I mean ...

Teja:  not of ur type..

Kk: wear this black saree ...

Teja:  hm...

Kk:teja let's have dinner out today..

Teja:  ok sure...

Then they both got ready n then went had a dinner night...

Kk then took her near a beach... n they both sat there...

Teja: wow it's so beautiful...

Kk: hm..

Then they both sat there...

No one spoke a single word n sat for few minutes...

After sometime...

Kk: teja..

Teja:  ha Karan..

Kk: do u feel I m right man for u...

Teja: yup u r perfectly my dream man..

Kk blushed on it...

Teja holds his hand...

Teja:  say what's going on... what u r unable too..

Kk: te...jaa   y didn't u take bodyguards with u...

Teja: so they complain u...

Kk: teja I m not joking..

Teja:  yar it's just because adaa was with me n I didn't wanted to be with them when u r not with me... they can't keep me safe because I m safe when u r with me...

Kk: teja ... I want to give u everything n when I gave u cards u could n should have done a good shopping...

Teja:  Karan I want to as I m ... u know me I know u ...

Kk: teja I m not saying they are bad..  but it hurts my wife wearing this...

Teja: Karan for me u matter not that dress ...

Kk:hmm..n teja u r mine n I have full to fulfill wishs I have for my wife...n I was very angry when u didn't take bodyguards but then they were still with u..

Teja:  yeah I saw them ...

Then they talked n soon went back home n both slept...

Next morning teja was running here n there

Teja made breakfast for Karan... n it was special which was all kks favorite n it was very important day for them too..

Teja: Karan will be here in 5 min arrange everything on table

Stuff: ok mam..

They arranged everything  ...

Kk : wow someone is going to come .....

Stuff:  no sir..  mam had made everything for u ..

Kk: really....

Kk was very happy that teja did this for him..

Teja came out from kitchen with a bowl in here hand ..

Kk Sat n teja told everyone to leave...

Kk was seeing her very carefully...

Teja kept the bowl in front of him which brought a big smile n a drop of tear in his eye...

Kk : teja u made this...

Teja: haa... I hope u like it...

Kk: u know this is my favorite kheer ... when ever I had an important day mom use to make this for me...

Teja: wow I didn't know that... now have n see...

Kk started everything...

Kk: it's so tasty wow...

Then both had there breakfast...

Kk: teja if u don't mind come with me na ... I don't want u to come alone..

Teja: but Karan...

Kk: teja it's really important day for us... today I want to have u with me...please

Teja: ok just give me a min...

Teja ran up changed her dress .. applied little lipbam n filled her hair line n ran back down...

Kk: wow... u look so good..

Teja: thank u now let's go....

Then they both went office where there were many things going on...the program was going to start from 1 n it was 11 ...

Kk was on call n teja was seating on sofa n seeing him...

Kk : I want media met today itself at 4 ....yeah do it soon...

Then after he  finished...

Kk: teja baby now u go get ready in this room..

Teja: hm...

Teja got ready n the program started... kk made sure teja is safe n then he left foe back stage... .

N the program was fab n here comes the last three models...

As soon as teja saw that tears started falling from here eyes... kk made them the show stopper n the dresses they had were the designs of her..

Soon the program finished n kk came towards teja ..

Teja hugged hike she was very emotional...

Kk holds her hand n started walking...

Soon they reach In his cabin before they could talk something....some one enters his cabin...

Next part...

Kk: I was knowing u will surely come...

I m sorry for not posting yesterday actually I have met with accident ... hope u all understand..

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