Chapter 9

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Olivia's Home (Washington, DC)

Sybil had flown in from Oakland, and Olivia had come to pick her up as they met the others at her apartment. Amanda was gone, disappeared without a trace but Olivia and Sybil knew Cyrus and the President had something to do with it. Mostly Cyrus. After she had got the text, she told her father that she would be back before their plan later that day.

"I can't believe you!" Sybil says as she slams the door they walk to Olivia's door and Quinn opens the door for him. As she walked in, Sybil's skirt fit clung to her body in all the right places. 

Everyone stared at her knowing once Sybil was mad, just let her get it out.

"Telling Cyrus that she is pregnant, you lose leverage. Now look what happens. He probably had one of his butt buddies kidnap her. She's probably dead right at this second." Sybil stated as she paced.

Harrison and Quinn tried not to snicker as Olivia rolled her eyes.

"So, any updates, please. Can we find her or find her body at least?" Sybil says.

" Her phone's gone and her purse. She ran away. You told her she would have to go on TV, she freaked out, and she ran away." Quinn comments.

"Okay, anything else?" Sybil questioned.

"Gotta say, as crime scenes go, it's pretty clean. No broken locks, no signs of struggle, and I'm not finding any prints aside from Olivia's and Amanda's." Abby tells them.

"Because it's not a crime scene. Because she ran away." Quinn wanted to believe that the girl was dead.

"Someone is watching you," Huck told Olivia, who was now looking at him.

"What? Who?" Sybil asked.

"What?" Olivia says as she and Sybil share looks.

"Your trash is gone, and it's not trash day, and there's a sedan parked across the street with U.S. government plates, and tinted windows," Huck told her.

"What about Amanda, Huck?" Olivia asked.

"Whoever it was came up through the service elevator, picked the lock on the back door, sedated her, taped her up, got her in a duffel bag. In and out, probably seven minutes, six if they were quick." Huck told them as Sybil stared at him. His look told her it could've been someone like him.

"How do you know?" Olivia questioned.

" That's how he would do it," Sybil answers for him. As he and Sybil had a silent understanding.


Sybil and Olivia went to David Rosen's office. This time didn't wait for her outside, she went in with her. David stared at her as if he didn't know her but kind of knew this was Sybil that everyone was talking about. 

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