Riju Plans Revenge

Start from the beginning

Sooga stared at him, his concealed stare surpassing his mask and boring into the officer.

"Well then call for reinforcements!" He sighed, "what's so wrong with that, eh?"

"We've tried, sir, but it's not so much that she's putting up a fight, she's sort of just... refusing to move..."

"Who? Who is refusing to move?!" Sooga asked, growing more impatient by the second.

The officer struggled to conjure up the least embarrassing way to put it.

"A uh... what appears to be a fifteen-year-old girl," he confessed, silently preparing to get shouted at.

Sure enough, that young girl happened to be a familiar, fiery gerudo.

Riju was propped up against the outdoor wall of a hut, a flask of Hylia only knew what in her hand.

She had a slump in her posture and had been rambling to no one but the air for the last ten minutes.

"One day, Master Kogha, I'll find you and challenge you to a duel. And I'll zap you with my lightning from which you could never run!" Riju exclaimed, bursting into a fit of laughter afterwards.

She snapped her fingers, but only a tiny spark fell to the ground.

"Drat," she groaned, not noticing that the officer from before was approaching her.

He stood with his sword drawn, nearing her cautiously as though she were some sort of dangerous, unknown creature.

"M-Miss gerudo, we've asked you to clear this area at least twelve times, can you please just get up and make this easier for us..." he begged her, not knowing what move she'd pull next.

With her free hand, she withdrew her scimitar, waving it around in front of her without a care in the world.

"Get up? My dear lad, I've vowed to sit here 'til Master Kogha comes so we can have our duel. And it shall be taught in every fencing handbook for years to come!" She exclaimed, giggling childishly again.

The officer brought his sword forward, pointing it at her.

"Listen, Miss, if you don't move, I'm going to have to resort to-"

The officer didn't get to finish his sentence before Riju sprung up and took a swipe at him with her blade.

She didn't get very far though because she stumbled forward, her knees scraping ground.

Thankfully, before the officer could attack her back, he was knocked out by a sharp, skull-crushing punch to the head.

He fell forward, flat on his face, knocked completely cold.

Riju then felt someone hoist her upright, turning her around to check if she was okay.

She blinked a couple times, her murky mind trying to remember whose lovable eyes were staring into hers.

"Oh... hey Sidon," she finally said, a big, dopey grin on her face.

The zora offered her a toothy smile back, gently lifting her to stand on her own two feet again.

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