Poor, Lost Circus Performers

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This particular morning, Zelda had donned a bright red dress for her ride. In recent days, her long golden hair had grown unkempt, knotted, and unloved.

The prince had constantly made his displeasure about it known, saying things like "Goodness dear, you ought to run a comb through your hair," or "You'd look even more beautiful if you took care of your hair."

The princess stared at her reflection in the mirror. She looked somewhat pitiful, with dark circles beneath her green eyes and her saddened expression.

Her meandering gaze eventually landed on a decorative sword that hung on the wall of her room. Its gleaming silver blade seemingly agreed with the decision she made in her head.

She walked over to it and dislodged it from the wall, heading right back to her mirror.

Carefully, Zelda positioned the blade below a section of her straw-like hair. Once she'd decided on a length she liked, she deftly sliced through the strand, watching as wispy blonde pieces fell to the ground like snow.

She completed the other strands she'd sectioned off and once again examined herself in the mirror.

Her hair reached the bottom of her collar now, and it was short and dainty looking.

For once, a small smile crossed her face. She had to admit she liked it.

Zelda stooped down to the floor and picked up her boots, slipping them on her feet and making her way out of her door.


Since it was still fairly early, the young sunrise dappled its yellow rays across the countryside's soft grass. The breeze brushing against her now-exposed neck was a new, and rejuvenating sensation.

Her horse galloped blissfully, making its way from the fields to a nearby river that Zelda enjoyed riding beside.

It wasn't long, however, before she found a small campsite, comprised of four strangers she'd never seen before. A zora, a goron, a gerudo, and a man with a mask she couldn't identify.

Almost immediately once they spotted her cantering down the riverbank, the man in the mask sprung up from where he sat.

Zelda pulled her steed to a halt as he quickly hobbled his way over to her. The rest of his group slowly began following him as well.

"Good day, your majesty!" The man began, bowing so low to the ground that Zelda feared he might tip over.

"Oh- uh, good morning to you too, sir," the young princess replied, "can I help you with something?"

Almost immediately, the masked man nodded.

"Indeed, you can. My name is Kogha, and my friends and I are poor, lost, circus performers," he explained.

The goron behind him raised an eyebrow.

"We were wondering if by chance there was a village nearby?" Kogha asked.

Zelda looked around, noting the rather inconvenient location they were in.

"Well, unfortunately, there isn't anything nearby, not for miles," she confessed.

There was a brief pause, and then Kogha emitted a small chuckle.

"Good," he muttered darkly.

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