A Sword and A Scimitar

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The man in black reached for a rock to pull himself up with, but it broke off the second he tugged on it.

He gave a somewhat nervous chuckle.

"I suppose... I am struggling..." he confessed, earning a nod of the head from the young gerudo.

Riju looked off to her side at the limp rope lying in the dirt, then back down at the man.

"You do know that once you reach the top, I have to kill you, right?" She asked playfully.

The masked man, who was still unsuccessfully trying to pull himself up with just his bare hands, gave another small chuckle.

"Good to know," he spoke, "But if you would be so kind, I'm one wrong rock away from plunging into the sea, so if you don't mind, I'm trying to concentrate here."

Riju shrugged, backing away from the ledge slightly.

She drew out the scimitar sheathed on her hip. Its blade softly glinted in the morning sun.

She paced around a little, swinging the weapon back and forth, thinking of what kind of strategy she'd use against the man in black.

Speaking of which, it wasn't long before she checked on him again.

"Say..." she said, "I'll make you a deal. I won't kill you until you reach the top safely."

The masked man finally looked up at her, somewhat surprised to see that his soon-to-be murder didn't look older than fifteen.

"You're awfully young for a swordfighter," the man mused, trying to hold onto another rock, which again, broke into pieces before he could hoist himself up. "How do I know I can trust you?"

"I could give you my word as a gerudo," Riju offered, but it seemed like the masked man was still skeptical.

"Respectfully, you're in the perfect position to drop a rock on my head from where you are, so I'm still weary," he replied.

A stubborn one, Riju thought, thinking of what she could possibly say, until she had it.

"How about this," she began, "I swear on the soul of my beloved mother; you will make it up the cliff alive."

The man in black looked up again, meeting her gaze. There was no smug smirk on her face this time, she was completely serious.

"Hand me the rope," he said.

Without another word, Riju hurried over to the rope on the ground and tossed it over the ledge.

The man grabbed hold of it, hoisting himself up with the last bit of strength he had left in him.

Riju assisted, tugging the man up onto the flat ground.

Upon landing, the man hunched over, trying to catch his breath. Although inhibited, he reached for his sword, however the gerudo raised a hand to stop him.

"No, no, we'll wait until you're ready," she said, stepping back to give him some space.

The man nodded his head, heading to a nearby boulder to sit down on.

"You're very kind, thank you," he said, exhaling a breath, before turning his attention to his boot.

He slipped it off his foot, turning it upside down and letting the rocks and gravel that had gotten stuck inside tumble out.

Riju sat across from him on another boulder and studied him.

"I don't mean to pry," she began, "but...you wouldn't happen to have six fingers on your right hand?"

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