What are Men Compared to Rocks and Mountains?

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It was now later in the day, and Kogha, Sidon, Yunobo, and of course, Zelda, had made it to the Guilder frontier.

It was a grassy plain, and spring had coaxed the small wildflowers to poke their tiny heads out of the grass. The breeze that blew by was warm; one couldn't have asked for better weather.

Well, Zelda thought, somewhat morbidly. At the very least I'll die on a beautiful day.

However, the princess couldn't help but notice that the Yiga leader seemed to be actively stalling on killing her. They'd wandered around for quite a while now.

It didn't take long before the group stopped in a nearby glen to rest, and it took even less time for Sidon to notice a shadowy figure approaching.

"Umm...Sir..." the zora began, "...isn't that the man in black?"

Kogha, who had pulled out a banana from his back pocket, immediately perked up. Sure enough, a figure wearing black was heading towards them, and fast approaching.

"Inconceivable!" He exclaimed, tossing the barely eaten banana into the grass.

Zelda, who'd taken a seat against a boulder covered in soft moss, was rudely yanked to stand up.

"You two, dispose of him yourself and meet up with me later," Kogha told Sidon and Yunobo, holding onto the princess by the rope around her wrist.

The zora and goron looked between each other, before they turned back to look at their leader.

"How ought we to 'dispose of him'?" Sidon queried, earning one of Kogha's usual disgruntled sighs.

He pointed to one of the stones that laid on the ground.

"Pick up one of these rocks; moments from now, the man in black will come running across the bend. The moment his head is in view, HIT IT WITH THE ROCK!" He screeched.

With no further instructions, Kogha resumed marching down the path, with helpless Zelda in tow.

Yunobo and Sidon remained where they were, confused, but not surprised at the fact they were.


A couple minutes later, the man in black had made it to the little field, taking a moment to admire the little hills and boulders surrounding the area.

He decided to slow down, going from sprinting to walking. Finally, some much needed peace.

Or so he thought.

The man had merely seconds to step back before a large rock came hurling at his head. It crashed into the boulder next to him, exploding into chalky dust.

Instinctively, he drew out his sword and pointed it in the direction the rock had flown from.

"Yunobo!" He heard someone say, before a second sheepish voice began apologizing.

A zora and a goron stepped out from behind the boulder, both holding rocks in their hands.

The man looked between them, as a somewhat awkward silence began to fill the void.

"...Do you always start out interactions like this?" The man in black asked tentatively.

Yunobo shrugged his shoulders, tossing the rock he held from one hand to another. "Not typically, no. We're under orders from the boss."

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