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So after Gerald's plan was destroyed bye sienna, she was packing her bags when she got a notification from someone,Later she started scrolling in her gallery while sipping on water,A bit of water accidentally drops on her phone screen and boom it started doing drunk things,She wipes it of and keeps her phone.

Victor got a notification when he checks it,It was from sienna his mouth turns into a big O because of the shock that sienna texted him.

When he opens the message it was a pic and Victor immediately closes his phone.

He opens it again and looks at the pic smirking

"Is she tryna forget everything and hit on me?"

Victor's pov

We haven't talked since the day Gerald proposed Adeolla.

Is she apologising to me? For biting me? I Text her.

"Weird way to apologise,but if this is how you do it,I have no choice but to to forgive you."

Oh so that was a accident,Another text pops from her.

"Sometimes I wonder that why didn't the dinosaur's ate you."

I chuckled and replied.

"Maybe they wanted me to see these pictures"

Here comes Another reply.

"If you ever bring this up again,I won't hesitate to cut your throat.

Author's pov

Gerlad laughs at annoyed Sienna's respond and then starts packing for the trip.

They had a evening flight as Adeolla had some work in the morning all four of them were sitting on Gerald's private plane.

S- So where are we going?

G- Serbia,Now let us have our time.

Sienna rolled her eyes and closes her eyes while Gerald holds Adeolla's hand and starts grinning.

G- You look so mine today.

A- Oh I look like yours today? *She said while chuckling*

They reached their destination.

S- So where are your body gaurd's? Mr and miss richies.

V- What fun do you get in annoying everyone?

S- What fun do you get in looking ugly?

V- Oh I wouldn't say the same after your ap-

Sienna puts her hand on his mouth and whispers

"If you continue this scentence then let me warn you I know how to do black magic"

Victor smile's under her hand and looks down in her eyes nodding.

She removes here hand gets away while Adeolla and Gerald being shocked but then they decided to enjoy their vacation.

V- You're the most annoying woman I have ever met.

S- Same goes for you.

All of them reach their hotel,Gerald went to take the room keys,He came back with only two keys.

S- I thought this was your honeymoon? But you only have two keys.

G- Yes it's our honeymoon and both of us sharing the room but so are you.

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