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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔒𝔫𝔢

𝔘𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔳𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔊𝔲𝔢𝔰𝔱

The sun started to set in the distance as it peaked its head from behind the mountains

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The sun started to set in the distance as it peaked its head from behind the mountains. I admired the pink rays of light in the sky while leaning my chin in the palm of my hand. My parents always restricted me from leaving our home at night.

Though I wondered what lay upon the mountains on the other side, but never thought about it until now. I live in a small village with a few residents here and there, so I had a desire to explore.

We were never allowed to leave the village at night. There were rumors about demons lurking in the cherry blossom forest, though it was hard for me to believe because there had never been an occurrence where I had seen one with my own eyes.

"Y/n! Dinner is ready." My mother yelled from downstairs a sigh escaped my lips. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Everyone was already seated at the table except for me.

I sat down beside my grandmother, who gave me a soft smile. "Hello, dear. Are you alright?" She questioned as I nodded my head. "Indeed, I am Nana. I am just a bit tired."

"Well, I'll make you some lavender tea afterward." I smiled at her offer and accepted it with a nod. "Thank you, Nana."

We all started enjoying the food my mother had prepared for the family. My father would have a conversation with my older brother, Akira, while my grandmother and mother would gossip about our neighbors. I loved hearing about the drama and conflict, especially when it was about Mrs. Kito and her husband.

I was thinking about sneaking out of my home to go stargazing on the hill near the cherry blossom trees. I wanted to have a chance to wish upon a shooting star, but I was soon pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my dad say, "So when are you getting married, Y/n? Or do you want me to do it the traditional way and find you a husband?"

"Leave her alone. Her husband will find her." My grandmother argued while sending a glare towards my father. "In fact, I think Akira should find a wife. He's twenty-one years old and still single." She continued before taking a bite of her food.

There was an awkward silence amongst the table as my father continued to stare. My grandmother was an emotional, strong woman, especially ever since my grandfather passed away from cancer. She would usually stand up against my father because he believed that he had the right to speak to anyone as he pleased.

"May I be excused?" I questioned while placing my utensils on my plate. "Of course, dear." My mother smiled as I stood up from my seat. Before I walked away, I turned around and thanked my mother for the delicious meal.

I walked into my room while plopping down onto my bed. I knew I lied about being exhausted, but I didn't want my grandmother noticing me drifting into thought.

She would have questioned me about it...

My door suddenly opened when my grandmother walked in with a cup of tea. She closed the door behind her before making her way towards me. Her steps were steady as she balanced the cup in her hands.

"Now, tell me what you were thinking about because I know you aren't exhausted." She chuckled while sitting down beside me.

'I knew she would find out.' I thought before turning my gaze towards her. "I was thinking about sneaking out to go stargazing, Nana."

"You know it's dangerous, dear."

"How do we know that? I have never seen a demon nor had there been an attack." I huffed.

The room suddenly fell silent. "I have seen a demon." She whispered while taking a sip of her tea. "It was a long time ago. It happened when I was walking with my brother through the cherry blossom forest when we ran into a man with black hair and red eyes."

"You had a brother?" I questioned as she nodded her head. "The man offered to guide us to the village. We were a few feet away from the gate when I turned around to thank him for his help, but they both were gone. I started panicking and called out to Isamu, though there was no trace of him."

"I'm so sorry, Nana." I whispered with sadness lacing my voice. "A week later, they found my brother's corpse below a cherry blossom tree with bite marks on his body." She became silent before turning her gaze towards me. "I don't want to lose my granddaughter like I lost my brother."

"You won't, Nana. I promise."

"Good, now get some rest. You have studies in the morning." She smiled while standing up from my bed.

"Goodnight, Nana."

"Goodnight, Y/n. Sleep well and sweet dreams."

Once she left, I thought about what she had said about the man. I was still felt determine to go stargazing no matter the cost and I knew there was a small chance that I could run into the man, but why waste his time when no one goes out at night anymore.

He probably doesn't even lurk around the cherry blossom forest anymore...

"That's it, I'm going." I decided while jumping out of bed. I walked up to my window before climbing out down the wall. I made sure not to fall and took my time to steady myself. Once I landed on the ground, I felt my heart thud in my chest as anticipation ran through my veins.

I dusted myself off before walking down the dirt trail of the village. There wasn't a single light insight except for the moonlight above my head. I took my time to admire my surroundings, I was amazed when I saw a pink hue radiating off of the moon like the color of a strawberry.

I saw the cherry blossom trees in the distance as I walked through the gate. I continued my way along the path when I suddenly heard voices in the distance. It wasn't too close, but it wasn't far either.

I took it upon myself to investigate the scene as I slowly approached the sound. I hid behind a tree that was surrounded by bushes. "Have you found her yet?" A deep voice questioned with a hint of annoyance.

"No, Sir. It's like there is a barrier surrounding the village." Another voice responded, but it belonged to a woman. "How is this possible?"

"It must be the work of that Hashira."

'I wondered who they were looking for, but most importantly, what is a Hashira?' I thought when I heard footsteps approaching me. I was suddenly yanked away from behind the tree as my eyes were met with another pair.

"You found her!" One of the voices gasped.

"It seems I have." A man with red eyes and black hair responded as his hand was wrapped around my neck.

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