(Side story)-Escape from Vladivostok

Start from the beginning

Koshka turned his face to Long Caster,hoping for an approving answer,but the thing that meet him in the forehead isn't a face,but a gun,more specifically,a glock holding by the AWACS operator:

"Hey hey!"

"I've never said that I would agree with that,neither our HQ,Milika,you killed one of our pilot,in this squadron.Of course,war is war,his death isn't the main reason,but your skill,I gotta say,Ameri was right,your flight skill is beautiful"

"Okay...please calm down first,put away that gun,may you?"

"I cannot,yet.This shall be our final request:do not return to Russia,half a billion zollar and a luxury life in Osean Federation,and of course you can bring your Su-57 with you.If you reject,I shall shoot you right here"

Long Caster steps forward,while Koshka slowly steps back.Judging by his previous observation,they are close to the end of the extended rooftop:


"So,what is your answer?Mr.Ratnikov?"

"You gotta answer me first,Mr.Albert,do you know why I prefer rooftop as my relaxing place?"-Koshka said,while his left leg bumped into a water tupe

"That do not important,stop wasting my time,answer me Ratnikov"

From the door lead to the rooftop,two more person appeared,without any doubt,they are also aiming at Koshka.It seemed like he cannot escape now,but:

"You don't see the advantage,but I do"


Koshka hold firmly into a water pipe and jumped away in the surprised eyes of Long Caster and the two men.Still unclear what has happened,Caster take a peak down where Koshka stood,but he was there no more,instead,the window to the 3rd floor has been broken:

"Deploy a searching team at floor number 2,3 and 4"-Long Caster said to the two men behind him-"There must be injury from breaking that window,he cannot goes too far,find any trail of blood on the floor.Jezze,that gotta be the worst pilot I've ever seen"

Meanwhile,at the opposite side of the wall

"And...here we go"

Koshka's foot gently stepped on the ground,far away from the third floor window that he broken.His hands were a bit hurt from the friction of the pipe and the rope he grabbed on,and the scratch from a piece of glass cup he held in his hand before throwing it into the glass window.But aside from that,he's still fine:

"Those fools,they must be searching for me in that building"

Seeing a group of Osean running into the dorm,Koshka knew that his prediction was right.But more importantly,he need to bring him and his Felon out of here as soon as possible:

"Valentina,how much fuel left in your tank?"-the Russian pilot opened the radio as soon as he went to an abandon storage-"We have to leave for Moscow soon"

<<Negative,fuel at 0,6%.Taking off in impossible under this circumstance>>

"Really?In this situation?"


Koshka sigh and puts the radio away.Without fuel,Valentina is just a sitting duck,he wouldn't get her out of the runway before the fuel run out,but refueling her is also not possible,considering that he is being hunt down by almost all coalition men in the base,and he can't do it by himself either.

However,through a hole on the wall,he could see that a few person are approaching Valentina,alongside with a fuel tanker:

<<Valentina calling in>>-The radio on the floor vibrate with a weak signal-<<It seemed like they are trying to refuel me before fly me to another base>>

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