"Sure." I move around the chair and sit right on his lap. I turn my attention to Rafael. "We haven't been introduced yet. I'm Caterina, and you must be Raf?" I smile at him, extending my hand. He doesn't take it at first; he is still processing the scene before him. Actually, all four of them still seem to be processing it.

Rafael smiles, finally shaking my hand. "I like you." then he looks behind me. "I like her."

"Isn't she a wonderful addition to the family?" Cesar sits down at the table, beaming.

"She is something." Matteo slowly moves his eyes from me to Lex. "Can I have a word?"

"No, you may not," I answer for Lex. "I'm sure whatever you have to tell him can be said in front of everyone. Unless you are going to talk shit about me." I raise my eyebrow, challenging him. Don't wavier Caterina, you got this.

"Lex." Matteo ignores me, and I snap my fingers, drawing his attention back to me.

"I said no."

"Caterina." Lex's voice drops a few octaves. "Throwing a tantrum because you want all my attention doesn't suit you." Lex places his hands on my waist, slowly pulling up my dress. If he thinks I will cave in and get up, he doesn't know who he is messing with.

"You haven't been showing me any attention, only Cesar." I pout.

Rafael tosses his head back, laughing loudly, then Matteo joins in. I look at Cesar, who shares the same confused expression as I do. Being a brat isn't my strong suit, but I'm sure my attempt wasn't laughable. Did Lex tell them something? I turn my head to look at Lex. He shrugs his shoulders and smirks. He did say something.

Everything starts to fade away as Lex's fingers brush across my panties. He doesn't take his eyes off me, and I gulp. I've played with fire more times than I can remember, but this inferno is burning from the inside out. I don't move as his lips melt against mine, kissing me deeply. Lex pulls back, not giving me enough time to enjoy my first kiss.

"You have my undivided attention now, Caterina." his left hand tightens on my waist while his right-hand brushes across my panties. He hooks a finger inside my panties, slowly pulling it aside. "I told you, boys, she's—"

Quickly removing his hand and pulling down at my dress, I stand up, knocking against the table. "Bathroom, I have to use the bathroom." My voice shakes.

"I'll show you."

"No." I raise my hand, stopping Lex. I see one of the maids walking by the dining room, and I rush towards her. "Bathroom?" I ask, startling her. She shows me the way, and I burst into the room. Get it together, Cat. I splash water on my face, staring at myself in the mirror. I'm dancing with the Devil. I don't hold any weight here, no power, and he is showing me that. I didn't act like the Caterina Marchetti, the Ice Queen. What I did back there was borderline mafia bunny.

I've seen the way bunnies move. How they act and carry themselves, and for a split second, I turned into one. I demand respect, but to get it, I shouldn't lower my standards or swallow my pride for it. I shouldn't make myself less than to prove I'm on equal footing with Lex.

"Caterina?" there is a knock at the door.

"Not now, Lex. I need a minute."

My words fall on deaf ears. Lex walks into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I look at him through the mirror. His eyes hungrily take me in, and I have to stop this before it begins. Turning off the water. I turn around and cross my arms at my chest.

"Are you going to put up a fight?" He moves closer.


"Yes, fight." He stands directly in front of me, so close I have to tilt my head back to look him in the eyes. I can see the specks of hazel swirling. I scan his face briefly before locking our eyes once more. Lex is handsome, with a defined jawline and nose. His lips are just the right size, and he knows how to kiss. "Still there?" He smirks.

"I'm not going to fight you."

"So, are we done with you playing the role of a mafia princess? Are you ready to show me the mafia bunny you truly are?" My face heats up as if I've just been slapped. His words from the first night we met ring loud and clear. So this is how he truly sees me, as a mafia bunny. My chest tightens, and I mentally count down from five. I've made a name for myself. I've accomplished just as much as a Don. Unfortunately, none of that matters to men in the mafia because I have a vagina.

Knowing my soon-to-be husband thinks that way ignites a new fire within. I'll show him that a woman can do it better.

I reach out, running my hands over his chest, and stop at his shoulders. "Lex," I lean forward and, without hesitation, connect my knee with his most prized jewel. Moving out of the way, he leans forward, squatting and cupping himself. Good. I let out a dark chuckle, opening the bathroom door. "As I told you before, I'm no fucking bunny."

Showing that I have a softer side isn't doing me any good. It's only prolonging my revenge and eating at my sanity. I've been in Italy for almost two weeks and have nothing to show for it. I need to get a phone and fast. I walk back into the kitchen, and my eyes land on Cesar.

"We're leaving."

"Huh?" He stands up.

"We. Are. Leaving." I enunciate each word. "Now."

I pivot, walking towards the front door. The footsteps approaching let me know Cesar is following behind me, and I don't slow down my pace. I wasn't planning on trying to come between their brotherly love. I didn't plan on using Cesar to my advantage, but Lex has crossed the line with me. I promise Lex, Cesar will be safe with me, no harm will come his way, but I will use him to get what I want.

"Cognata, what is going on?"

"Nothing. I'm not hungry anymore and want to sleep." Also, your brother is a colossal asshole. "You can come back after you drop me off."

"Caterina!" Shit. Shit. Shit. "Take another step, and you will permanently be wheelchair-bound." The sound of a gun cocking makes my ears perk. "Come on, Caterina, take another step. I would love nothing more to shoot a Marchetti." Venom laces his words. He is serious.

Slowly, I turn around. Lex points a Glock 17 at me with a menacing look in his eyes. Cesar, Matteo, and Rafael stand behind Lex, seemingly unbothered. I gaze back to the gun, staring into the barrel, then back to his eyes. Calling his bluff. I take a step forward, and it's no longer quiet. It sounds like a firecracker went off. The bullet flies past my head, and I can hear glass shatter in the distance. I take another step, and he pulls the trigger again.

Missing me once again.

"All bark and no—"

"Alexandro enough." Matteo snaps. He stands next to Lex. Matteo doesn't say anything at first, but then he turns his head, whispering to Lex. Damnit, I wish I was closer. Are they plotting my death? Wouldn't put it past them.

Lex keeps his eyes on me, lowering his weapon, and I sigh with relief. Another gunshot rings out, and I jump back, falling to the pavement. I look up at Lex, and he pulls the trigger again, this time aiming at the pavement near my right foot. I scurry backward. A fucking menace he is.

"Caterina, you're in my kingdom. You will not prance around as a Marchetti who does whatever the fuck she wants. I don't know what you got away with in America, but you're in Italy. There will be consequences to your actions."

"Are you crazy? You shot me!" I bite down on my lip. I'm itching to pull the trigger on him and I won't miss.

"I shot at you." He scoffs. "You expected to take over the Marchetti family and don't know the difference between being shot and being shot at? Your father chose wisely, choosing Erick, not like that idiot is any better than a five-three-year-old." He strolls towards me, tucking his gun back in its holster. Squatting down brings us to eye level. "So tread lightly." he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. The action is so gentle and innocent like he just didn't try to kill me. "I love to inflict pain, too."

"Fratellone," Matteo walks up. "Let me have Camilla clean her up."

Lex stands up. I narrow my eyes at him, watching him walk off. A cruel smile pulls at my lips as Matteo helps me up.

Just wait, Lucifer. I'll make your second fall from grace epic.

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