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Seokmin and jisoo got into a relationship just yesterday. Seokmin had crush on jisoo so does jisoo. But yesterday seokmin accidentally confess that he love his jisoo  hyung. And to be his surprise his hyung also like him back.


So seokmin amd jisoo are new in relationship so they both don't know what they have to do in relationship. Thare is so much Awkwardness between them about what to do?

So now jisoo is here at his brother, jeonghan's house who is currently living there with his boyfriend, seungcheol.

"Why are you here shua!??"

"Why?? Do you look so pissed cheol?? Did I bother you??"

Jisoo said looking at seungcheol who was giving him glare with pissed off face. Jeonghan also look at him.

"Yes you di-- ouchh baby!!"

Seungcheol didn't even finish his sentence when jeonghan put his feet on his toe. He group with pout on hia lips.

"Continue shua!"

"Yess so han you know na seokmin accidentally confess to me and now both of us are in relationship.?"


"I don't know why but there is awkwardness between us !!"

"Yea it happened alot shua.. you both were friends for so long that now you both tell each other how you feel about each other it will be awkward! Don't worry about it okk?"

"Okk but what should I do for this awkwardness! I don't know har to do with him. I dream about this a lot and even though what will I do when we wil be in relation but now I am in don't know what to do or say?!"

"Yahh shuaa calm down!! Jaut be yourself okk?!"


They talked for a bit but then jisoo's phone ring he see and It was seokmin. So he smiled and pick up


"Heyy hyung where are you?!"

"Ohh I am at jeonghan's house. Why?"

"Ohh!! I am at your apartment right now!!"

"What!! Wait there i am comin-"

"No hyung!! wait I will pick you up from there okk?? just stay there!!"


After he hang up he look up just to see his brother and his boyfriend both smirking at him.
He blushed again.

After 20 mins. Someone rang the door bell. Jeonghan get to open the door. As he open the door he see seokmin standing there with nervous smile. jeonghan confused asked

"Why are you so nervous?"

"Ohh! You can see it?"

Jeonghan roll his eyes and said

"It's so obvious seok. But you don't have to be nervous ok? Just be your self. It's not like my brother will eat you alive"

Hearing that seokmin just blushed and said

"Hyung I think I am the one who will eat him!"

"Yess!! That's the confidence you should have okay!!"

"Yeah hyung. Thanks!"

"Hannie who's there? Why is it taking you so long??"

They heard seungcheol whining. Jeonghan just shook his head while seokmin chuckled. They make their way towards living room where other two were.

As jisoo saw seokmin he smile and said

"You are here let's go!!"


They bid their goodbye to other and sit in the car. Seokmin start the car while jisoo was looking outside of window.

Seokmin's pov

I look at hyung who was looking outside then I look at his thigh. Should I do that? What is he is uncomfortable?? What if he doesn't like it?"

But then I feel he took my one  hand that was on staring wheel and put it on his thigh. I looks at him shock but he just smile and said

"You don't have to think twice if it's for me!!"

I smile and caressed his thigh as he just closed his eyes.


After we reach his apartment. Now we were in his kitchen while he was cooking some noodles for me while I sat on the kitchen counter staring at him with smile. He look so cute while he focus on something. I get up and go to him. I back hugged him and out my chin on his shoulder. He leaned his head back and continue to make noodles.

After a while he was done and he said

"Min, I am done now so here it is eat it.!"

As he said that I stopped hugging him and  took chopsticks and start to eat. After I was done I look at him and he was looking at his phone hioe smiling. I stand behind him and see he was staring at our pictures that we took when we went to amusement park.

I grab his waist and turned him around. He got scared at sudden movement. But then he smile and put his hands in my neck. We were staring at each other. But then my eyes fall on his lips and it looks so soft. I look at him just to see him already staring at me.

He nooded while blushing. I smile and locked out lips. We didn't move our lips for like one min but then he start to move his lips towards mine. Now we were kissing.

I grabbed his hips and pull him up in my arms. And my way towards his room still kissing. after getting in room. I see out him on bed and got in top of him.

"You are so beautiful hyung!"

He smile and peck my lips.

"I love you!"

"I love you too hun!"

I smiled at sweet nickname he gave me. I again capture his lips with mine. We kissed patiently. But then I bite his lips and he moan. I go to his neck and start to kiss and bite there. While he just let out heavy breaths and little moan.

But then I stop and pick him up. He started at me confused and said

"What are you doing?"

"I think we will save it for other night. Now we should get fresh and sleep."

He smile and nodded. I took him to bathroom and we freshed up. Now we were on his bed while he was talking about how silli I was when we were in the amusement park. While I just started at him lovingly.

He stopped and kiss my forehead, my nose,my both cheeks and now only one thing was left. Then he slowly come to my lips and capture it with his. We kiss for atleast two mins and he pulled away.

"Good night hun!!"

"Good night babe!"


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