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Walker and I got into the elevator and he hit the floor of the basement. I looked at him in confusion.

"Basement ?that's the cool place ? What are you trying to kidnap me or something ?" I jokingly questioned . I mean, I hope not . Who knows , I just met him. He could be crazy.

"Sure, I would if it means you'd be Annabeth. And relax , it's not a creepy basement. It's actually cool , you'll see " he grinned.

"Wow, that's a good idea.I'd never thought I'd want to be kidnapped so bad. You kid nap me , I don't leave your side and the casting directors will see so much of me that they have no choice but to cast me as Annabeth .And you're really hyping this place up. I'm gonna laugh if it sucks " I tried to hold back my giggle

"I'm sure it's not gonna take me doing that much for you to get cast as Annabeth. You're really talented and what's that you say ? You think it's gonna suck? you're gonna eat your words just now " he said as the elevators doors opened.

We walked into the basement , there was a huge red L shaped couch and a tv. There were vending machines by the wall.  There were popcorn machines and a fountain drink machine. There was a pool table. There was a piano in one corner. There was a ping pong table on another side.

"So , what was that thing about how you're gonna laugh if it sucked? " Walker crossed his arms as he tilted his head to stare me down.

"Okay , I take it back. I guess it is pretty cool. It's  like a movie/game room. I like it" I nodded in approval as I looked up at him.

"Thank you. That's why it's my favorite spot and you wouldn't expect it in a basement. So it's kind of ...like a cool secret place" he smiled.

It is really cool, it's huge too. I continued to admire the room as I looked around.

"First things first, let's get some snacks at the vending machine " he gestured as he led the way towards it.

"Oooh, yessss pleaseee " I smiled as I followed him. I do want a little snack.

"Here we are. What are you feeling ? What do you want ? There are many options "He put his arms out as he presented Vending machine.

"Too many options " I laughed. They have a good selection. "Hmmm but I think I'll get the sour patch kids" I said happily.

"Nice choice , nice choice. Im getting  the classic Oreos " he pursed  his lips as he reached in his pocket, taking out his wallet.

"Oh, I could pay for us . I have some coins " I quickly said as I was reaching in my bag for my wallet. Even though it's cheap , I don't want him to have to pay for me.

"Nah, it's fine , I got it. Don't worry bout it" he shook his head at me.

"Thank you " I smiled.

"So, Oreos? Are they your favorite? " I asked as he was putting the dollars into the machine.

"Of course they are. They're easily the best snack ever invented" He said in a duh tone.

"Ehhh, I'd have to disagree. Sour Patch kids are clearly the best snack ever invented" I argued. It's true, nothing can top sour patch kids. Especially not Oreos .

"Well, we all have our opinions don't we. And sometimes, some opinions are wrong. Like yours" He scoffed as he handed me my Sour Patch Kids.

"More like yours . Why is there just a random piano here in a game room and especially in an acting studio?" I laughed.

"Have you ever heard of musicals ,Leah? You know ,where they sing and act at the same time?"he jokingly explained as if I was a kid

"Yes , Walker . I have and I was actually in a musical before " I responded all sassily as I popped a sour patch kid in my mouth.

"Oooh Okay , my bad , my bad .what musical was it ?" He asked as we walked over to the piano.

"It was Harry Potter. My school made into a musical. I played Hermione. It was really fun " I smiled as I explained to him.

"Harry Potter ? Hermione ? What a betrayer , you are , Ms. Annabeth" he gasped as his eyes widened.

" hey , I was 9 " I began to explain.

"I'm joking . I'm joking .That sounds cool. I actually know how to play the theme song on piano " Walker laughed as he put down his Oreos and began to play the theme song to Harry Potter on piano.

Wow it's really cool that he knows how to play it. This is my opportunity to mess with him back tho.

"You're playing the Harry Potter theme song ?! What a betrayer you are Mr. Percy Jackson . Shame, shame "
I jokingly shook my head at him.

"Hmmm. Nice comeback. I can see why we did so good in the chemistry read . We play off of eachother really well  " he laughed.

"We do. Surprisingly we get along really well . You are seriously so nice .It was a relief because I was so nervous to meet you today" I admitted. He stopped playing the piano.

"Wait what ?you were nervous to meet me ? What did you think I was gonna be mean and stuck up or something ?" He defensively put a hand to his chest. Pretending to be all offended.

"No , I didn't think you were going to be mean. I was just nervous because I'd never met you before and I just didn't know how well the chemistry read was going to go . Also , you being cast as the lead I knew I had to make some impression on you . And I just didn't know what you'd think of me. But you were so nice , so thank you" I smiled.

"Yea I know we never met before but so glad we did . And What do I think of you ? I think that you're super nice and it's fun hanging out with you. I also think that you're such a talented actress and they'd be crazy to not give you the part. I hope that you get it ,
I want you to. That's the impression you made " he softly smiled at me.

Oh my gosh , This man is so sweet. He said he wants me to get the role . Awww and here I was thinking that I wasn't the Annabeth that he had imagined or probably wanted. Not that I am the Annabeth he imagined or wanted but it's nice that he wants me to get the role.

"Walker , please - you are too nice. Thank you so much . I'm also so glad that we met and it's fun hanging out with you too. And If anyone is super talented it's you. Congrats on getting the role of Percy . I'm so happy for you " A smile grew on my face as I congratulated him.

"Thank you , it's still so insane that I got the role. I'm so happy. Now, let's get going. We have 5 minutes til the next chemistry read" he said as we stood up from the piano.

Should I make the chapters longer or is this okay ? Thanks for reading this far :)

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