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After 2 hours of takes for my self tape. I finally decided on one to submit. Or at least I hope so.

"Are you sure this one is okay ?" I asked my brother as we finished watching the 10th take of my self tape.

"Yes, I think that one is the best. You really got your lines down and were more into your character. Now, stop overthinking and submit it. C'mon!"Floyd nudged me.

" Alright, this is it" I took a breath as I saved the video and attached it to the email. I pressed send. Oh no , it sent.

It's off to the Percy Jackson casting team and author. I'm so nervous but I can't believe I actually just auditioned. It's an honor to even get to audition for Annabeth Chase. I hope I get a call back.

"I am so proud of you , Leah! You did so good. When do you usually hear back ?" Floyd asked as he gave me a hug.

"Thank you, thank you. It really depends on the casting directors and the whole team. The casting call was just announced today so I'm sure there are going to be way more auditions. Could take 3 months or longer just to get a call back . That's if I even get one "I sighed. I just want to hear back already. I'm so excited and so nervous. I just need to know the answer already..

"Or maybe they'll love you so much that they only need to see a months worth of auditions and realize you were the best and you deserve that call back because you just are the best  " Floyd shrugged.He did not just say that and actually mean that..

"Please - as if that's going to happen " I laughed at his ridiculous prediction. Because that's what it is. Absolutely ridiculous. But hey one can dream..I found myself smiling at the thought.

"Hey - you need to stop getting my hopes up. If I don't get this , it's on you " I quickly snapped out of it.

" so if you do get this , I can take all the credit " he smirked.

"Hmmm, no, actually. I think my talent would get all the credit " I pursed my lips as I crossed my arms.
It's been 2 months since I've submitted my self tape audition. I have not heard anything back yet. The suspense is killing me. I've tried to pass time and keep my mind off it by going about my regular life. Focusing  on school and hanging with some friends. It's not like I'm thinking about the audition and checking my email every second.

My mom keeps telling me to relax but she doesn't know how big of an opportunity this is . Percy Jackson is huge and I've loved it ever since I was young enough to read!

This is not just any other project. Sure , I've been on things like Empire and other great tv shows and movies. But this is different.

My mom and older brother were cooking dinner while I was sitting at the kitchen table, refreshing my email. Maybe I missed something, maybe it's in my spam?

"Leah , you need to calm down. I hate to see you stressed over this audition. It's just an audition, there will be others" My mom looked back at me in concern.

"Mom , no. This is not just any other audition or project. This is Percy Jackson. It's like in the same caliber of books as Harry Potter! Annabeth Chase is - is like Hermione Granger. Only she's a literal demigod And You know how much I love the books, this is huge!" I distressed as I tried to explain to her how big this actually is. 

"It's true , mom. This is a big deal. I'd be checking my phone like a maniac too if I was Leah "Floyd laughed.

"Alright , Alright. I know and I'm happy for you. I'm sure that passion shined through in your audition and you're sure to get a call back" my mom smiled.

I can only hope. It's been 2 months and absolutely nothing. We proceeded to eat our dinner. It was some yummy rice,chicken, and beans. My mom is truly a great cook and I truly did not take after her...

In the middle of washing dishes after dinner is when I heard my phone go off with the notification of an email. Could this be it? I instantly set the dish back down in the sink and dried off my hands.

I unlocked my phone to see an email from the Percy Jackson Casting Directors.

Hello, Leah. We hope this email finds you well. We enjoyed your audition and we'd love to have you for a call back. You'll have to perform this monologue live .  Here is the zoom link and we will hold this call back on Friday, 12 pm . Looking forward to meeting you. See you then.

I couldn't help but smile like an idiot at the email. No way , I just got a call back !

"Mom ! Floyd ! I just got a call back ! I just got a call back! " I squealed as I ran over to them in the living room.

"Awwww , I'm so happy for you sweetie! See, there was nothing you had to worry about it " My mom smiled.

"I knew you were gonna get a call back. I told you so ! When is it ? What is the scene ? Do you need a reader again ?" Floyd bombarded with questions.

"It's on Friday on zoom . And no actually it's a monologue so I don't need a reader. But I do need you to test my memorization of the monologue" I pointed at him.

"You got it. It's Wednesday so print out that monologue and let's get to it " My brother stood up.

"Already on it " I smiled in excitement as I rushed to the printer.
It was now Friday, 11am. 1 hour until the call back on zoom. I had spent almost every waking hour from Wednesday to today just rehearsing and memorizing my monologue with my brother. I am so nervous. I'm going to be meeting the casting directors and the author. I need to make a good impression. Plus, I'm going to be doing this monologue live. I can't mess up..

My brother and my mom are currently at work so they're not here to comfort me or calm me down. I spent the remainder of the hour practicing my monologue making sure I have every emotion and line pinned down to the core.

I know every word and now it's time to let go and just be . Just naturally do it and if any emotions change it'll just be in the moment. It's not good to be over rehearsed. The time read 11:57.

I took a breath. I opened up my email on my computer and pressed on the zoom link. I was automatically let in and saw the author and 3 casting directors on the screen.

"Hello, Leah. It's great to meet you " Rick Riordan greeted me with a bright smile. Oh my gosh , he's the author of the book. I can't believe this is happening.

" Hi , Mr. Rick. It's great to meet you too. Thank you so much for your books " I tried to hold in my excitement.

"Of course . I loved your audition, we all did." He complimented me. Oh my gosh , no way the author of the book just said that to me. Maybe he's just being nice.

"Yes , we knew we wanted to see you again " one of the casting directors spoke up. They're all so nice , whattt.

"Thank you so much. You're all so nice, it's an honor to get a call back " I beamed.

"You're very welcome. You can start whenever you're ready"

I nodded nervously and took another breath before starting the monologue. Here I go...

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