chapter 6. the thunder maked an end of everything.

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hello dears! i want to say, i changed the plot a bit. its because i changesd my mind.

and also, this is for valentines day! because i feel like writing an extra story makes me feel that my time is tight. so, this is Manto! ( sorry that im too late, i have a big big planing..) 



( aka, after chapter 5)

     on the way back to the acadamy, Manta felt despertly sad, but he knows Corto's situation. if she goes mattying someone else her parents have planned, it will bring public shame to her family. she had no choice. its all apart. forever. His head hurts a bit, he goes to the academy.

On the other side, Corto was lockiing herself in her room. if Manta told her earlier, she problay wont be that sad. but he didnt know that Corto was a girl before so its not his fault.


the days were going on and going on. the wedding is going be closer and closer, Manta felt worser and worser. he didnt tell about his health to her, she would worry all the time, and Manta want to avoid that. but it began soo worse that he cant study normally. he tries to focus on upcomings exams.. but..

"Corto... i need you...."

he felt ill, even the docter didnt know what was wrong. the only thing in his head was Corto.

while at corto's side, theres not really happy there too. less than a month she leave this house. she mostly spend in her room, but if she dont, she would go to the beach the most, watching the view for as long it can. soon if she get married, she wont watch the sea not much anymore..


summer came. it became worse, Manta refused to eat, he had to  take a time-out of studying and after 6 days, he leave the whale island to go to polaris to recover there.

but, at Nuï, Corto cries. she was happy, after hearing a news, she rushed to her room to write a letter to Manta. she felt a little spark, and she hopes that Manta would see this letter. she cries even harder when she thinks about Manta, she want to be with him forever...


Manta recieved a letter. it was from corto. he fastly opend the letter and read it:

dear Manta, i have good news! like, just read this.

you know that the wedding is somewere in this summer im going get married. it was harsh, but today, i heard, the wedding is cancelled. the groom was for a long time sick, and finally he decides to cancell the wedding! so, im free.. i can be with you. come visit me again!

- Corto

tears were rolling down. manta must re-read the letter twice! He thought he was dreaming, but when he burned his mouth when he takes a sip of his tea, he knew it that it was real. The shock was soo great that he felt much better! After a long staring to the letter he decided to go up and wanted to touch some grass. . he stood up but he then he collapse to his bed. his body became weak when he was sick. After a few attemps of standing up, he slowely wants to walk to his balcon. The sun was setting and the bright stars appeared. There were two butterflies flying close in harmony with eachother. . He wishes that he and Corto will be just like those butterflies , soo bright and stay close to eachother.

                      a week later, Manta came visit her again. Corto opens the door and Manta saw her.  her black hair growed longer then before, tied in a little ponytail.  if you see her face, you can see that her face was pale before, but now she have a bit more color on her face stared for a moment and then he hugged her tightly, he dont want to be apart again.. Corto hugged him back."It's alright, Manta, its over.." Manta cant say anything but tries not true cry. finally, after a long time, he sobs:" i can't be seperated from you..." and looked her in da eyes. "me too..".

    so? what happend then? LETS WRAP THIS UP! 

days were over and over,Manta had a long, long chat with Corto's parents. it was not easy: Corto's father was afraid of public shame, but finally, he accepted Manta as his son-in-law. After hearing this news Corto can't believe it, she will with the man of her dreams...

     After they become husband and wife, Manta keeps studying in the academy till graduation and became a well known pilot. Meanwhile Corto, with her pilot skills she became the first women pilot of terranqua, which  leads the result of woman's and girls also can go to the academy. With eachother they lived in harmony and close with eachother, just like the two butterflies when Manta saw them on the balcony that night.


     And so, this story must be an end. I'm sorry that I finished it late, but I lose a lack of motivation and I Almost forgot about it😭. But hey, I finally finished it! That means also that this sorry is done... 

Sorry that I finished it late, and please excuse me for the grammar mistakes of the whole thingy.

 I don't have much much things to say, but see you dears!

Have a great day/night/evening!

Lots of love, Baleine_kiddo.

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