Pretty Boy

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Pretty boy, sweet face with your doe-eyed stare,
why are you the only one who isn't aware
of your beauty, your worth, your debonair?
Who broke you beyond repair?
Who trapped you in your nightmares?

Sweetheart, baby face with your easy smile,
for all your analyses and conclusions and long-winded files,
your self-perception is off by miles.
Please oh please don't listen to your dark mind's revile.
Trust me, it's not a rainbow fish on the line, but a crocodile.

Beautiful, precious darling with your big, kind heart,
how many times can you dust yourself off and restart?
For someone so incredibly brilliant, knowledgeable, insightful, and smart,
how did your sense of self become such an abstract art?
Why is your default to self-destruct and fall apart?

Sunshine, baby doll with your boyish charm,
ignoring all the red flags and sounding alarms,
always craving love, you just give in and willingly hand over your left arm, creating an entire identity based on all their flippant and ever fickle smarm.
But you, love, with your soft, gentle heart, wouldn't hurt a fly, at most, just disarm—
afterall, unlike those vultures, it's only yourself you harm.

Gorgeous, brown-eyed puppy dog with your self-loathing sear,
how can you be so wrong about how you appear?
Cheerful innocence and naïveté that used to endear is now taut and austere
from your battle with anxiety and fear,
hiding from everyone, flinching from those who come near.

Gorgeous, who interfered and made your self-esteem disappear?
Sunshine, who persevered and stole your spark so cavalier?
Beautiful, who's your inner ear puppeteer?
Sweetheart, who dimmed the bulb on your exquisite luxurious diamond chandelier?
Pretty boy, who created those tragic tears on those dear chubby cheeks and who was it, pray tell, that distorted, twisted, and then shattered your mirror?

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