Chapter 3: Can you hear me?

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Solar's POV

Its been about 2 days since I was dismantled. Everyone isn't really taking it very well. Worse than I expected actually. I didn't realize I was so cared for. That sounds so selfish to say- Anyway. 

I've been watching Moon trying to fix me, he seems to be having a hard time. That body was a piece of shit anyway so I'd think so.. My Moon wasn't a terrible person... he was just- hurting. I guess.

I've been watching over Ruin the most though. To be honest he's been really down. Which surprises me the most because I barely new him. But it is upsetting to see him like this. they've just been sitting in the Fazcade by themselves not really doing anything. Which I guess is normal but he usually tried to help Sun and Moon with the whole Eclipse situation.

I tried to talk when I initially- ' Woke up? ' I guess? I don't think he heard me though. I do think he felt me watching him. They seemed panicked and called out as if someone was there. Well, someone was. Me. But I learned quickly that I couldn't be seen.

__--3 hours later--__

I was sitting next to Ruin in the Fazcade because I guess they were having a moment. They had started crying again. Even though he wouldn't feel me there, I stayed. I put my hand on his shoulder and he suddenly shakes and sits up and looks directly through me.

Did he feel me? Or is that just a ghost thing... I've heard of people getting cold chills when a spirit touches them but I didn't know ghosts were real until well- y'know.

" Hello..? " I said quietly

Ruin looked shook. He quickly stood up. " Hello!? " They said abruptly

Can he.. hear me?

" Ruin? "

They looked even more shook. " H-hello..? "

" Can you hear me...? "

" Solar? "

" ...Yes its me. "

He covered his mouth and continued to cry. " Where are you? "

" ...You cant see me but... I'm right in front of you. " I wish he could see me..

They look down directly at me as I feel myself get heavier. Suddenly they hug me and start crying into my shoulder. What the hell just happened..? 

Whatever. It doesn't matter. I hug him back. " Its alright. I'm here now. "

My angel [Solar x Ruin] (AU)Where stories live. Discover now