Not Tonight | Carlos Sainz Part 3

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No songs suggested for now
Warnings: cussing
Word count: 3k

Y/n's POV:

i woke up the next morning to the sun peering brightly through my window which i had forgotten to close the curtains last night from how overwhelmed i was. I slowly sat up, my eyes adjusting to the sunlight. My mouth felt so dry and opening my eyes felt too heavy but i forced myself to get up and walked over to the mirror.

i look like shit.

I felt like crying just by looking at my reflection. I rubbed the smeared mascara under my eyes then roamed my fingers through my tangled hair. I was still in my same fit, God knows how i was able to sleep in this. I looked at the watch on my nightstand, it read 8:25 AM.

i was up early.

I sighed tiredly and went over grabbing my bath robe, a shower was what i needed right now.

I stepped into the bagno, allowing the hot water to swarm me up, the warm fog caving me into my thoughts as i recalled last night's events.

I hated this treatment more than I'd like to say it, i mean for God's sake I'm 20, a freaking adult and my dad still thinks I'm a kid, speaking of that, what happened yesterday brought back uncalled trauma i had been trying so hard to throw back at the end of my head. Who does carlos think he is, i already have a father i didn't ask for another one to tell me what to do.

I miss you mom, i wish you were here right kmow you would've told me what to do. I wish i was a kid again, when mom was in the frame, when dad was a soft ball that only cared about his family.

I groaned loudly and rinsed my hair as i massaged my scalp to calm my headache these thoughts were giving me.

What happened?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when soap trickled down into my eye.

"shit" i turned off the water and stepped out wrapping myself in my bath robe frustrated and walking out. Feeling too lazy to dry up, i continued my way downstairs in my robe and my damped hair.

Once i made my way down i twisted my head left and right to make sure carlos wasn't home because if i wanted to be honest here, he was the last person i wanted to see right now and besides i was too tired to argue at 8 in the morning.

I opened the fridge, peeking through it but sighed when nothing of my liking seemed to catch my hunger's attention so i closed it just in time when i heard the front door open. I immediately closed the fridge and carlos walked into the kitchen with his head down, wearing his headphones as his head bobbed to the music.

He didn't even glance, great.

I leaned on the kitchen sink and crossed my arms over my chest impatiently waiting for him to acknowledge me. When he finally turned around, his head snapped up from his wrist watch but immediately froze when he noticed my appearance. Carlos removed his headphones and layed them around his neck.

"oh i- um i - I'm uh i didn't - i didn't see you" he stumbled over his words as his whole face reddened, he loudly cleared his throat and looked anywhere but my eyes. I barely smiled to not give myself away. He awkwardly pointed at the fridge, walking to it and grabbing a cold bottle then grabbing a green apple from the bowl on the counter and lifting it up with a lip tight smile to show it to me. I held everything in my willpower not to laugh.

"it's okay" i assured him before grabbing my own bottle and walking up to a stool. I took in his presence since he came back, he was all sweaty and drenched but still looked incredibly handsome regardless. His hair was all over his perfect face and the tight blue shirt hugging his body perfectly along with his short shorts showing his muscled thighs and i scolded my own mind not to think about what i would do right now. He probably just came back from his morning jog. Little did i know that he was checking me out aswell and when i caught his wandering eyes he immediately averted his gaze and looked down but i still noticed his barely visible smirk.

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