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Heyy guys welcome backk. I am so pumped as we get closer to starting the book properly. Here are the characters and their short descriptions. I will upload their aesthetics later when i get the chance. lemme know what you think.    xx


>>Starlight Circle>> (they are all 19 years old)

1) Seraphina(Sera) MarshallShe is our grumpy/moody, mysterious, badass and hot as fuck FMC who is a very skilled hunter, assassin and a killer with no remorse when it comes to the short list of people she cares about or in her words "doesn't find absolutely insufferable" ; Technically an orphan; A mix breed of witch, werewolf, and newly activated vampire abilities. She's the most powerful creature and student at The Starlight Academy and the elusive leader of the group. Many of her powers are still untapped in will reveal themselves whenever she finds herself in need. Her bsf is Aiden and her most trusted advisor is Emmet. She is close friends with roman, carter, xander and Jo. 

2) Aurora Wood- She is the mature, kindhearted, warm and beautiful elemental fae and a student at Starlight. She tends to get impulsive when it comes to people she cares about. She and seraphina are soul sisters and often is the one who is able to get through to her when she goes off the rails. Her parents are dead and she is believed to be an orphan like sera. She is bestfriends with the triplets and close to Roman, Xander, Carter and Emmet.

****The Starlight Princes 

3) Aiden Shadowcrest- He is the inhouse genious and strategist of the Starlight Academy, he's very handsome, charming, deceptive, witty, and knows almost everything worth knowing about anyone worth knowing. He is the crown prince of Aldorra, the kingdom of dreams, nightmares and desires , a shadow fae (second most deadly) and leader of the elite vampire guard. He is the son of Queen Viola and the late King Theodore Shadowcrest. He is Seraphina's bestfriend. He is a grade A student of Starlight and is likely to know someone's most deepest darkest desires partially due to his powers as the prince of the plane of dreams. 

4) Roman De Luca- He is the carefree, flirty, funny, and fun-loving playboy of the group. He is the younger brother of the King Stephen De Luca of Luporia- the kingdom of moon, he's very powerful werewolf royalty and a student at Starlight. Extremely close friends with Sera, Carter, Aurora and Aiden. He is sometimes romantically involved with and bestfriend of Xander Nyx.

5) Xander Nyx- He is broody, quiet, hot-headed, powerful and a creature of the night- a vampire. He is the son of Jonathan Nyx [the richest man in Sanguinaria] and Leticia Nyx [2nd Cousin to Queen Patricia]. He is extremely close friends with Aurora, Aiden, Sera and Carter. His bestfriends are Roman De Luca who he is sometimes romantically involved with (despite the natural rivalry of their kinds) and Emmet Parker.

6) Carter Davenport- He is quite similar in nature to Aiden but is more reserved in comparison. He is the son of  Elena Davenport- the royal advisor and protector of Queen Viola and the Darius Davenport- the 3rd richest man in Aldorra. He is extremely smart and is often seeked for strategic advice from aiden or sera. He is bestfriends with Aiden and really close to Sera, Emmet, Roman and Xander.

7) Emmet Parker- He is a human turned vampire who is very quickly gaining more and more power. He is sweet, geeky, smart, funny and a gentleman. His bestfriend is Xander Nyx and he is close to Carter, Aurora and Sera. Has very good relationship with the thompson triplets.

**The Thompson Triplets:-(They are students and the resident triplet witches who are from a very rare coven.)                                                                8) Leia Faulkner Thompson- a very bitchy, sarcastic and hot witch and now a turned ecliptomagus( a mix breed of vampire and witch) and only one of her kind left now. She has an enemy turned close friend relationship with Seraphina.                                                                                   9) Josephine(jo) Faulkner Thompson - a kindhearted, caring and empathetic witch. She is very protective of her sisters, she was once in love with sera but now is very good friends with her and has a girlfriend.                                                                                                                                                                  10) Kylie Faulkner Thompson- she is a pretty, smart, creative and innovative witch. She is the editor of the starlight scroll (newsmagazine) and a social butterfly.   # They are the daughters of the Headmistress of Starlight- Ms Carol Faulkner (who is a very wise and powerful Ecliptomagus too and is very influential with the Imperial Council) and bestfriends with Aurora Wood.

>>>The Royal Academy Students>>>>>(They are 19 and 20 year old)

1) Nikolai Darkborne- He is our extremely manipulative, cunning, ruthless, very powerful, and excruciatingly handsome MMC who is the crown prince of Nycteria- the kingdom of shadows and darkness and a night fae (the most deadly kind).He is the son of King Anthony and Queen Xinthea Darkborne. He is master manipulator who is known to be the puppeteer of chaos and is always 2 steps ahead of everyone. Not much of his true intentions, feelings, and ideas are known to people until it is too late and people only know those facts about him that he wants them to know. He is the most powerful student and creature of the Royal Academy for Supernatural (RAS).

2) Ariella Darkborne- She is a very gifted seer and dark fae. She is Nikolai's younger sister and the Princess of Nycteria and student at RAS. She is very wise and mature for her age and is often seen as the voice of reason and calm in the whole group. Her bestfriend is Noelle.

3) Tristan Muriel- He is extremely smart, perceptive, powerful and fast vampire who is the crown prince of Sanguinaria- the kingdom of the scarlet shadowlands. He is the son of Queen Patricia and King Simon Muriel. He is often Nikolai's partner in crime and bestfriend. 

4) William Rayne- He is a very obnoxious and snotty Elemental fae who is the son of Lord Clifford Rayne, a minister of Verdantia.

5) Yulia Ventura- She is the RAS it-girl and a vampire. She fancies herself to become Nikolai's girlfriend one day. Her father is a rich lord and a minister of Nycteria.

6) Leon Bixby- He is a fun-loving, flirty, witty and charming vampire. His father is an influential lord and royal advisor to King Ivan of Tacticonia.

7) Noelle Leanora-She is a flirty, beautiful and very knowledgeable werewolf. Her Mother is the royal advisor to King Stephen of Luporia and an aristrocrat. She is bestfriend of Ariella.

8) Morana Roquefort- She is an elemental fae and Princess of Tacticonia. She is the 2nd born child of King Ivan. She is very smart and a bookworm.

Please note that many characters are not mentioned here but will be introduced and seen as the plot of the book proceeds and few of them will get a small description in the book itself so putting it here seemed a little redundant.

Stay tuned for the prologue and comment if you are engaged with the book so that i get to know if anyone is actually interested lol.


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