17 - madness.

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I found something out last night.

Nate died.


"it was you?" I asked, my lip quivered.
"You don't understand, elizabeth. I had too." Valentino replied, looking at me with his hazy-dead glare, he thinks he can intimidate me, but he is crazy.

"You had to kill him? You had to kill my nate? the man who had my first of everything?" I cried.

"I killed Alexei, do you know what he was planning?"

"It doe-"

"He looked at you like a dog."

I begin to sob, seeing nothing past his soulless eyes like I once did just a few days ago.


Valentino is in his office - of course. He killed Nate.

My nate.

The man who taught me how to smoke without coughing,
the man who taught me how to laugh when sad,
the man who took my innocence,
the man who provided me with drink while we were teenagers,
the man who kicked the shit out of men who hit on me at clubs.

The man who I love,

Immediately, I tried to take off my wedding ring.

A ring that suggested im in love, a ring that was supposed to shine light in a enternity of darkness, but instead, sadness followed it.

But im met with an excruciating pain, the ring wont budge - its practiclly screwed into my finger.

I storm towards Valentino's office and knock - I still have manners, no matter the anger im feeling.

"Who is it?" Valentino asked, hushing the small voices inside.

"Elizabeth. Open this door." I say, not allowing the fury to come through, I stay calm with my words.

"Give me 5 minutes" He says.

"No. This is urgent."

I hear him sigh from the other side of the door, until someone unlocks the door and two rather large men walk out leaving me and valentino. alone.

I walk in his office, shutting the entrance behind me, before sitting down.

"What? What is so important that you must barge into my office during an important meeting, someone stole like 5 fucking cargos of cocaine - don't you understand? I didn't even reali-" I interupt him because I can't stand his voice.

"Do you know why they call me birdie?"


I scoffed and tilted my head slightly, hes a liar. Nalexei knew. He knew all of this.

"They called me Birdie because I was always fucking high. and you know what they called me when I was put in the physc ward?"

"You were in the physc ward?" He asks, his eyebrows lowering in concern - stupid motherfucker shouldve known.

"They ca-" now this guy interupts me.

"Did you try to kill yourself, elizabeth?"

I cringe at his fake concern.

"It doesn't matter, I tried to take off this stupid fucking ring and it wont budge," I raise my voice slightly, "It hurts. It hurts super bad." I flash a sarcastic smile at him.

"Answer me," He demands, sitting back in his chair.

"No. You answer me," I say, raising my chin upwards.

He sighs, before delcaring my question.

"Your ring, is permanent. It will never be removed."

"And why is that Mr. Rafaello?"

"Because its quite literally nailed into your finger, you will die if you remove it, the nail stabbed an arterie." He smirks, before taking off his own ring and placing it on the desk.

"Now, answer me." His face now returning to the emptiness it originally was.

"Why did you try to kill yourself?"

I feel my cheeks redden.

what can I say?
"Because it all got too much."


"Because I didn't want to hear them anymore." I breathe loudly, except I can't help it, my throat feels like its closing up, leaving me barely any room to allow air in.

"Why did you go to the physc ward?"

I smile at this, he doesn't know what he got himself into.

I lean forward, widening my eyes and looking at him through my eyebrows.

"because im a fucking genius"

"cazzo," he whispers.

716 words


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