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Thank you for all the support and love you have shown me during the writing of this book. I hope you all enjoy the end of this book. 

     ~~ Eight years later ~~


Who would have thought that we would have made this far?

Thinking back to my high school years, I'm proud of my sister and I. We managed to complete school with our parents support. But upon getting university acceptance letters, they cut us off.

It was expected to be honest, that's why we were prepared. We looked for jobs, working too many shifts to get the money.

Our auntie who we were always avoiding turned out to be our saviour. We lived with her, cause her house was closer to uni. She also agreed to cover our tuition fee.

Stella was adamant on completing school, to show our parents that we could do it. I'm glad I left after highschool, even though it seemed like I was supporting them.

We got into fights with Stella over the issue, but I'm not strong like her. I didn't have the courage or willpower to stand up to them like she did. I will forever be regretful of not standing with her then.


Karan and Stella, were the IT couple in campus. They had some how got in together. Stella did a degree in law while Karan did engineering. I did one   in ICT. I kind of knew this would happen. Nick was a different story, he went off to the military.

We discussed our differences before he left and I moved on. It hurt for a while then, cause I thought we were meant to be. Maybe I was.

No, I was wrong.

Currently going strong with my five-year sweetheart, Daisy. I may have realised how I loved staring at boobs.

We started with casual conversations when I started uni. She was cute and smart and wanted to spend time with me. She joined my group discussion group and became a constant presence in my life.

The terrifying part was me coming together with my sexuality. I have known myself to like guys but Daisy made me question myself. Come to think of it I'm more of a girls' girl.

Stella accepted me with open arms, I thank heavens for her pure soul. She even invited us to dinner, was very accommodating and very sweet. They became friends with Daisy from the start.

Now all of us have stable jobs and we live in our own places. We live in the same apartment building. Daisy and I, on the fifth floor; while Karan and Stella on the eighth.

We definitely have attachment issues. I'm sure if we decided to get our own homes, we'd become neighbours. Come to think of it, we have a friend gathering to celebrate Karan's promotion.

"Babe remember to go get the cake before 12. They are closing early today," I tell Daisy.

"Thanks, I'm going now." She kisses my cheek and leaves.

Stella planned on surprising him at home. She wanted some help so I asked for my afternoon off. They wouldn't miss me at work. Now I had to go to my sister before she overreacts.


"We are finally done,"I exclaim excitedly.

"Yeah, finally." Stella agrees with me. FIVE hours on decorations and planning the food and drinks wasn't a joke. I almost burned my hair cooking. AHH terrible experience.

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