CHAPTER 2: Imprisoned in his hell

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Startled awake by the abrupt, loud whirring of a drill, I gasped, the sound echoing in the room. I chased my breath as a surge of fear enveloped my entire body.

Within moments, I discovered myself tightly bound to a table that resembled an eerie embalming slab. The realization sent shivers of terror coursing through my veins, intensifying my fear to an unbearable level.

As I struggled to turn my head, my breathing grew more labored with each passing moment. Finally, I managed to glance sideways, hoping to identify the source of the noise. But what I saw made my stomach churn and my heart race even faster. The sight before me was so disturbing that I felt like I might be sick.

A man was drilling something in the girls head, blood splashing all over him making him soaked in those thick liquid that made the room filled with the iron smell coming from her head.

My tears started to flood into my eyes, the fear im feeling became almost unbearable, i'm scared by the terrifying reality im experiencing.

Im desperate to free myself as i struggled against the unyielding chains that bound my hands and feet, but they seemed impenetrable, filling me with a profound sense of hopelessness. All I could do was silently weep, trying to stifle any sound that might alert the deranged man standing not far from me while forced to bear witness to his horrifying madness.

I closed my eyes trying to deny what's happening in front of me.

"Oh, you're finally awake, darling," a voice filled with horror dripped from every word he spoke, sending a shiver down my spine.

I didn't dare to open my eyes as i hear his breath infront of me, he blows my hair giving more scare.. By the eerie aura of man infront of my face, I can't stop showing signs that i was just pretending to be asleep.

He chuckled and gently puts his hands into my face, i felt the warmth of the blood of the girl he drilled.

" Do you like the show, huh?" I heard his footsteps getting farther and i kept my eyes closed, scared to be his new victim, or am i now?

In a moment I thought i was finally safe until his footsteps suddenly gets closer with a loud bang that echoed at the entire room with every steps he takes.

"Open your eyes, or do you prefer me taking your eyelids off so you could freely watch me make my pets" he said with a loud voice that echoed in this room, shivering, i open my eyes as he told me to and the tears wont just stop flowing, Im scared.

'please i wanna get out of here' i wanna say those words but i cant even open my mouth as we both trading eye contacts, a gaze of a monster indeed.

"May I?" He gradually opens his hands, directing them towards the girl on the same metal bed im in.

Her gaze falters as she unveils her eyes; a sigh of relief escapes me upon seeing her unharmed. However, witnessing such cruelty remains deeply unsettling, a reality i wanna escape in.

"Look, she's finally awake too, shall we continue where the show left of?" He walk towards the girl and stand infront of her as he readjusting the drill. I notice that there's one metal ear of something already screwed in her head, i-is that what he mean making a 'pet'?

D-does he transform his victims into some kind of animal? His mind is f-cked up!!

The drill started to spin again and make those loud sounds.
Startled,I frantically attempt to escape the confines of my chains.

The drill he holds were slowly getting towards the womans head again, her eyes widened and desperately trying to get out of it too.

"Please, STOP!!" I shouted, but my voice seems unheard as the loud sound of that machine continues, i felt terrible as i just watch the nails go through her head, while those metal ears getting attached slowly at her, by just looking at it, i could feel how much pain she's in.

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