Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine~Alluring

"You're too handsome, it's ridiculous!"
—Avalina Kolton Richards


Professor Williams told us he was in a pretty happy mood today. So he wasn't going to teach us, and that we were going to teach ourselves, whatever that meant.

"Today," He clapped his hands excitedly. Something fishy is definitely running in that old head of his. He continued, "I have a unique plan for all of you. You won't be learning from me directly. Instead, each of you will be paired up with a fellow student, and I'll assign a specific topic for you both to discuss. Murmurs began circulating through the class, but as quickly as they came, they went. His glare really did wonders. "Consider it a collaborative effort – your conversation will be your work for today. Embrace the challenge, as I'll be grading you based on the level of communication and interest in the topic." After a brief pause, he strolled over to his desk, retrieved some sheets of paper, and returned to the front, scanning through them with an enigmatic smile.

Satan has awoken.

"Now," He began "Elfrida Jones, you'll be partnering with Kenna Jewel," the professor announced, prompting the mentioned girls to stand. As their names echoed in the classroom, he continued, "And for your discussion topic... let's keep it open-ended. Talk about whatever you want, but make sure it relates to literature in some way." They nodded glancing at each other, exchanging nods. Kenna approached Elfrida, who responded with equal brightness. The prospect of their conversation seemed promising. Let's just hope Williams doesn't pair me with some asshole or a bitch. I want someone as less troublesome like Kenna or Elfrida.

"Next up, Abel Shaw and Hannah Lincoln," he announced, and the two of them rose, a blush gracing Hannah's cheeks as they took their seats together. "Tamara Bradford, Michael North, and Aaron White," he called next, and they acknowledged the pairing before settling in. As he continued calling names, he eventually reached me. His gaze briefly met mine, then shifted forward to the back of the room. Following his line of sight, I saw him—Phinneas, the jerk from a few weeks ago. His name, peculiar and unforgettable, still lingered in my thoughts. Well apart from Sin. Oh how can I forget! There were too many jerks in my life these days.

"Avalina Kolton and Phinneas Jardani," Professor Williams announced, and panic seized me. I shot him pleading eyes, desperately urging him to reconsider. "Professor, please, I beg you. Don't pair me with that asshole... I mean, with that child," I implored, accompanied by my best attempt at a doe-eyed look. Despite my plea, he shook his head. A dark chuckle echoed from the back, and I turned to see Phinneas smirking at my predicament. I couldn't bear the thought of dealing with someone like him—especially not now, not today, and if possible, not ever. Lately, I've been under too much stress, and engaging in a conversation with Phinneas tends to bring out the stubborn side of me. It's as if the obstinacy within me forcefully emerges whenever I encounter him, and our arguments are far from refreshing. Not at all. I can't do this "Professor, pleaseee. Sir, please. Just pair me with someone else, anything but working with that guy. I'm willing to do anything – write essays, teach for two weeks... well, maybe not that last part. Just don't make me have a conversation with him. Please, sir, I'm begging you."

"Miss Kolton, you can and you will," he responded with a tight-lipped smile. "I thought you both were really getting along last week – asking each other stuff, smiling... there seemed to be so much sexual tension between you guys."

I recoiled at the professor's observation, my cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "No, sir, that's not... I mean, we weren't exactly getting along. It was just a brief interaction, nothing more," I stammered, attempting to downplay whatever he perceived between Phinneas and me. We almost tore each other apart a few weeks ago, everyone saw that. He can't expect me to take him as a partner. This time around who knows, we might not only tear each other's throat, we might even burn the whole school. "That was just a misunderstanding, sir," I mumbled, hoping to evoke some kind of sympathy. However, it was apparent that my attempt hadn't worked, as he proceeded to say the next surprising thing.

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