- "Have you ordered yet?," he asked.

- "No, I was waiting for you to order," I answered calmer.

- "Well, then let's order," he said.

I nodded at his words and together we placed our orders to the seller.

After a few moments we received our orders.

I ordered a normal taiyaki and Ayanokouji-kun ordered one with chocolate filling.

We both decided to walk around a bit while we ate our orders.

I put a piece in my mouth.

- "It's delicious," I said unconsciously.

The flavor of this sandwich is incredible. The texture, flavor and delicate preparation is simply spectacular.

- "Not bad," commented my partner next to me.

- "Ayanokouji-kun, can we talk for a moment?"

I had to take advantage of this moment to tell him something important.

- "Are you sure, here or should we go somewhere else?" he asked.

- "Let's go to a private place," I answered.

- "Okay, follow me," he said.

Paying attention to his words we began to walk.

After walking for a while, we arrived at an area far from the theater.

We stopped and he turned to look at me.

'This is the moment'

With my determination at its peak, I began to speak.

- "Ayanokouji-kun, why don't you trust me?"

I've wanted to ask him this for a while, but I never got the chance.

- "What are you talking about, Horikita?" he tried to evade the question.

- "You've been acting in the shadows for a while now and don't try to deny it," I replied.

He remained still for a moment before answering.

- "It's okay. I've been doing various things behind your back," he said.

It was more sincere than I expected.

- "Why did you not tell me?"

- "Because it's not enough, Horikita. You don't have the strength to fight the other classes"

It's true, so far I've been losing in every exam. If it weren't for their interventions, the class would already be over.

- "Yes, I know I'm nothing compared to you or Nii-san, but-"

- "I thought you understood that Horikita"

Understand? I don't understand what he means.

- "You are not your brother and you will never be like him," he said

His cold tone made the words hurt even more.

Small tears began to fall from my eyes.

- "I thought I told you, every human being is different and special in their own way"

His entire atmosphere changed, he felt that he was not the same apathetic boy as always.

- "You are Horikita Suzune, you don't need to look like your brother or me. Follow what you think is right for you"

- "And if you think you're going to fail, then make sure you get up stronger next time"

He... is right.

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